"I don't know Tech, but I'll find somewhere," Phil nods.
After all the boys had went to bed Phil went searching.

Most options involved signing up for websites or going way too far out of town, or coming to their house, which meant Phil would have to somehow get the boys to help clean which was stressful enough doing it once a week, let alone five days straight like it would require.

He almost scrolled past the perfect opportunity.

a daycare? he thought to himself.

He clicked on the page and it quickly opened up.

It wasn't too far, he could go right away and register them later, and there were other kids, so his kids could make friends and be less distracting...or possibly more...but it looked like the best option.

He bookmarked the page and shut down his computer for the night.

right before work tomorrow, Angel's daycare
"We're not allowed back," Wilbur pointed out, fiddling with a loose thread on his yellow sweater.

"I know Wil, for the thousandth time, we're going somewhere else,"

"Thousandth!" Tommy repeated.

"Why can't I bring my knife?" Techno asked.

"It's a knife," Phil replied.

They then pulled into the parking lot.

The daycare was small, about the size of a large suburban house, maybe bigger, but not by much.

There was a gorgeous lady standing out front, greeting your kids and their parents who were dropping them off.

"Hey, uh, I'm Phil, I read online that I can register after my first visit?" He asks.

"Yeah, as long as you plan on coming back," she smiles.

"Yeah, uh, they're a handfu-" Phil gets quickly interrupted.


The woman was caught completely off-guard, "h-wha-what?"

"And no wife," Wilbur nods.

"But he's looking," Techno smirks.

"Oh my g-goodness uh..." the woman was clearly embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry about them, they're...a lot..." Phil sighs, exasperated.

"No, not at all, it's fine, really, they can come right in, I just need your..uh...number in case of an emergency," she laughs.

"Or in case of a date," Wilbur snickers making his way into the building with Tommy and Techno in tow.

She laughs and hands him a slip of paper to fill out.

"I'm so sorry they usually don't do this, I'm in a rush, don't listen to anything they say about me," Phil quickly writes his name and number down on the paper, "I gotta go, miss...?"

"Kristen," she giggles.

"Right, I...uh...I'll see you this afternoon,"

Phil ran to his car.

What the fuck just happened?

When Phil came to pick them up it was a whole other story.

"Mumza has to come with us," Techno begs.

"Mumza?" Phil asks.

"Miss Kristen, are you deaf?" Wilbur yells.

"MUM!" Tommy yells.

Angel's DaycareWhere stories live. Discover now