the unnamed avenger

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after that stark drives off then you and Capsicle return inside to see Natasha staring at the same place you had left her

"you wanna keep staring at that wall all day or do you wanna go to work? I mean it's a pretty interesting wall."

"I thought you, tony, thor and the kid were still gazing into each other's eyes."

"You know I'm stood right here?"

"I know. how do we look?"

"Well, we're not the '27 Yankees."

"We got some hitters."

"They're good, they're not a team."

"Let's beat them into shape."

"Not too hard I hope," you told them before you ran ahead and through the doors before floating off to the left Steve and Natasha came through the double doors and stood on the platform Rhodey opened the faceplate of the War machine armour, Vision spun around to face them, Sam landed and let his wings fold away behind him, Wanda landed from floating next to you Pietro sped in stopping backwards obviously defying doctors orders you landed after, standing next to the Maximoff twins you look around as does everyone else at your new team


you smile this is going to be good even for you the unnamed avenger

2 weeks before Lagos...

you had just got back from a mission that hadn't really gone to plan you thought back to a few days after sokovia tony along with his new AI FRIDAY had been trying to work out what you and Wanda had done he came to the conclusion that you two had some sort of link that allowed you to combine your powers. why you can do this is unknown and as no one has your hydra file no one can loo into your past. 
You were stood about to change out of your uniform which was similar to Wanda's as you were combining your powers more and more often so now you still had the black vest with blue plus as well as black trousers with the blue stripes but you now had a black belt with a small blue buckle as well as a black trench coat with blue plus over the back and extending around the sides, you pulled off the jacket as you hear a knock at your door

"Come in!" you shout your room is painted grey with light blue accents. your door opens and Wanda walks in

"Hey what's up?" you ask her as she takes a seat on your couch you were stood in front of your mirror with your bed behind you and the TV next to the mirror while your chest of drawers and wardrobe were next to it on the wall opposite you had your desk and shelves that covered most of the wall with the door next to the desk on the wall opposite your bed you had the couch and bean bags with a door to your bathroom

"I just wanted to ask you don't have to answer if you don't want but it seems like you knew Sam pretty well before and I know you knew Steve and Natasha so.."

"well you know Steve goes on runs every morning he met Sam on one of these runs I was actually with him at the time, you know what its probably easier if you just do it through my head."

"Are you sure?" she asks

"Yeah but don't poke into anything else there's a lot of dark and dingy stuff up there."

"Of course."

the unnamed avengerWhere stories live. Discover now