17. Lost, Found and Injured

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Hey, y'all!!

I hope 2013 is treating you well :) It is for me well...the most part anyway. :D

Here's chapter 17 for you! As promised, on the weekend! :) Sorry it took so long!

Random fact about dacerfreak: I am the 3rd child of 6 kids :D



"High winds...tornado...conditions...shelter! Seek shelter...nearby ditch..."

Those are all the words I could make out from my small speakers from my phone. I shivered from a strong wind, pulling any warmth away from my body. I clutched to Callis.

"What do we do, Callis?" I asked. My heart beat wildly, scared for what would happen to us. I could hear Ila whinnying for help. She was also terrified.

Callis didn't answer, but after a moment of listening to the wind and rain bear down on us, he grabbed me around my waist and hoisted me up onto my horse. Before I could process what was happening, Ila was following Callis, at a steady, but spooked trot.


We needed to find shelter. That's all I could think of. Find shelter; keep Brie safe. I ran, out from under the bridge, into the pouring rain and thrashing wind, leading Ila and Brianna to hopeful safety. Where was I going? I had no clue; I just needed to stay out of the path of the tornado. But that's just it. Tornadoes don't have a path. They can switch directions at the blink of an eye.

"C-Callis, where are we going?!" Brianna shouted through the wall of rain. I didn't answer her. Lightening flashed then, and I saw a bunch of trees about a mile down. It'd take me a good ten minutes in this weather to get there! Then I looked up at Ila; the horse was obviously spooked, but perhaps enough to get a big adrenaline rush to haul two people a mile...

I climbed up onto her back, right behind Brie who objected and complained and asked what I was doing. Knowing the danger I was putting us in, I kicked my heels into Ila's side. She gave a surprise whinny and reared up slightly, before taking off. Rain pelted us relentlessly, stabbing our cheeks and tearing at our skin. As Ila ran, I could feel her hooves hydroplaning—not connecting with the concrete—as the rain continued to fall. I worried for our safety at this point; what if she lost her footing and slipped? We'd go flying, and no one would find us for a good hour.

Thunder roared above us and the rain abruptly came to a cease, as did the winds, and the only sound was that of Ila's hooves racing toward the clump of trees that I continued to stare at.

My heart beat faster and faster, adrenaline running, screaming through my veins. I needed to get there! I could feel Brie's body shaking violently from the cold; I was cold too, but not as cold as she seemed. I kicked Ila to a faster pace.


I didn't know what was going through Callis' head when he jumped onto Ila's back behind me and kicked her into full speed, all I could focus on was trying to stay awake. The cold seemed to suck all my energy out of me, and I felt as though my eyelids were tied to ten pound weights.

Then I noticed the rain has stopped and the wind had died down to a very light breeze. Was the storm over? Callis' grip around my waist (Which I hadn't noticed before) tightened and he kicked Ila again to force her to a faster pace, if that was possible.

"Callis, what are you doing?" I tried to say, but it came out as a whisper.

That's when I heard something that didn't make sense. I wished for my eyesight then, so I could look around, and find the source of the noise, but alas, I was still blind. My uber sensitive ears picked up on a dim, but steadily growing sound, one of that a freight train would make. But that doesn't connect! We're out by the interstate! There aren't any railways around, and they wouldn't be moving at such a speed just after all that craziness.

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