Chapter 2

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The Next Day...

They've all gone to Diagon Alley to go to buy their school supplies for their sixth year and then go to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. They were all looking at different interesting things. Ron had grabbed a kind of firework in an instant and showed it to the twins.

'How much is it?', he asked to the twins

'5 galleons', they said in unison

'Really? How much is it?'

'5 galleons'

'I'm your brother!'

'10 galleons'

Ron got out of there cursing under his breath

Harry, however had gone directly to behind a curtain containing all the expensive products. He was particularly interested in a kind of black powder in a big vial.

'That, mate, is Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder', said Fred, appearing out of nowhere.

'Throw it to the ground and an instant escape is granted', said George, appearing out of nowhere beside his brother out of nowhere too.

'Cool. How much?', said Harry

'0 galleons'

'No, please. How much?'

'0 galleons'

'I'm your brother', said Harry attempting to copy Ron and at least pay something

'0 galleons', He finally gave up and didn't keep it.

Suddenly he saw Malfoy out of the window.

He immediately signaled Hermione and Ron to follow him out.

'What happened, mate?', Ron asked him.

'Malfoy', said Harry

They followed Malfoy into Knockturn Alley where he stepped into a shop called Borgin and Burkes, followed by a bunch of sketchy people

'Get on the roof', Harry said, climbing to the roof himself while the other two followed course

They saw Malfoy talk to the owner of the place. He looked like he was threatening him

Eventually they jumped down from the roof. Well, at least Harry and Ron did. Hermione was too scared to get down from there.

Harry noticed this and asked Hermine 'Why aren't you coming down, 'Mione?'

'I'm scared', she said

'Don't worry just jump, I'll catch you'

She was still a bit scared but decided that she trusted Harry so she jumped. And Surely, Harry caught her

'Thanks Harry', she said, blushing. She never knew Harry was powerful enough to lift her.

Ron felt a sudden urge to kick Harry in the face, which went unnoticed by both Harry and Hermione. Instead, he just said, 'C'mon, Mum'll be looking for us.'

Harry and Hermione both blushed furiously. 'Right', they said in unison.

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