Chapter 1

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Ron and the rest of the Weasleys including Hermione are currently at the burrow after the summer of 5th year. When Ron comes into Hermione's room to talk to her, our story starts.

'Come in,' came Hermione's voice from the room

Ron opens the door and steps in. 'Hey, Can I talk to you?'

'Yeah, sure'



'What do you think...ab- bout...', He starts to talk but quickly stops

'About what?'

'Ab- bout U-us?', stuttered Ron. But unfortunately for him, at the exact time, there is a knock on the door, causing Hermione to not hear the last word

'Harry, dear,', comes the unmistakable voice of Mrs Weasley

Hermione didn't need any other reason. She got out of the room as quick as a bullet and ran down the stairs two at a time. She wanted to come down the stairs first but Ginny beat her to it. She went down seeing Ginny hugging Harry. She felt a hint of jealousy but she didn't notice it, clearly amazed that Harry had come a day earlier than Dumbledore had promised.

When she saw Hermione from over Ginny's shoulder, he immediately stopped hugging Ginny. Hermione threw herself into Harry's arms her arms on his shoulder. Harry immediately hugged back. Apparently, they had been hugging for a long time but they didn't realize that, earning them a small cough from Ron. They both blushed a little but didn't let anyone see that, of course.

'Do You have a room yet?', Hermione asks him

'Why? Are you offering?'

She nudges him playfully on the ribs and then offers to help to take his trunk upstairs. 

'Lunch's ready. Come down all of you' A lot of 'Yes, Mum' s could be heard from the upper floors. Harry comes back down a few minutes later to eat lunch. They all sat down around the table.

Ron was stealing glances at Hermione, although she wasn't looking at him back. She was looking at Harry. And Vice Versa. While Hermione was looking at Harry, he looked back. They both blushed profusely at this. A few minutes later, they all finished dinner.

'Thanks, Mrs Weasley', said Harry

'Oh, it's nothing Harry, dear. You and Ron both look like stretching jinxes have been put on you.'


Hey Guys! This is actually my first time writing a fanfic of my own. I read a lot but never got much into writing. I'll try to post every week or so (if that's fine with you guys of course). Feedback is very much appreciated.


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