clay pot

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Wilbur screams at the top of his lungs, looping handwriting finishing a long string of 'O's.

Tommy's laughter bubbles to the surface, soon followed by the rest of the newly independent L'Manberg.


Laughter erupts from the group, louder and much more ecstatic.

It was finally set in stone, they were free.

The book is then passed around for everyone to sign, Tommy signing himself as the Vice President.

Ranboo comes up from behind, signing himself as the Minutes Man.


Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen.

What's he doing here--


The world is paused as a signature is erased, an entity removed.


"Why did you load in? You aren't due for quite some time."


"Don't you want to help--"

"I do! I do!"

"This is how his brain is fighting it! It must go perfectly, without a hitch, or he'll die. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Dream."

"That's Dr. Dream to you. Don't do anything until it's your turn."


Tommy glances down at the book, he could've sworn he saw something in the book, someone reaching over his shoulder.

He shakes his head.

"I'm going to head in early, gents, Niki! I'm 'allucinatin n' shit."

A chorus of 'goodnight' is his reply.

He walks back to his dirt hut.

(His dirt hut? His tent? His cottage? What about his apa--)

The character 'TommyInnit'.exe has had the thought My dirt hut? My tent? My cottage? What about my apa--' This thought is a direct violation of Code 98644 section B in clause 2. Do you wish to stop and erase this thought?

Yes ☐ No ☐


Yes 🗹 No ☐


He hums to himself on the Prime Path, train of thought forgotten as soon as it came. He feels like it was important, but he spots the L'Mantree and he rushes forward, grinning. Holding a hand up to its oak bark, he says,

"We did it! We actually did it! We're free now, free as the birds in the sky, the grass and the leaves. We're free now! Oh, and have you ever heard our anthem? Wilbur based it off of me, 'cause I'm such a big man n' shit. I get lots of hot girls, y'know? Snapchat streaks and all that."

The way the L'Mantree's branch reaches down and smacks him says otherwise.

Groaning, he begrudgingly tells the truth, "Fine," he says, dragging out the 'i', "You win. It's 'cause I..." He trails off, mumbling as his face flushes red with embarrassment.

A leaf falls down from her branches, similarly to a reassuring gesture.

You can go on, she seems to say, I do not mind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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