Start from the beginning

"She forced herself in here."

"You were keeping me from her!" Pansy retaliated, crossing her arms and facing Danielle.

"Yeah," The blonde scoffed. "Like she actually wants you here."

"Oh, I know!"

She moved away from my bed and covered Pansy's face with her hand, preventing me from seeing it. "There." She had a triumphant smile on her lips.

"Lestrange-" Pansy groaned.

Danielle knew I hated the girl—just as much as she does—and seeing her try her best to keep her away from me is adorable. I love her so much. A guilty feeling started to rise from my stomach.

If only she knew why Pansy wants to see how i'm doing, she probably wouldn't pay a glance to me at all.

It's a good thing Pansy acts different when others are around—no suspicion to cause at all.

"She's alright, Parkinson. You can leave now."

"We aren't even sure if she's feeling better!"

"That's because you haven't been here long enough. Stay five seconds longer and she'll pass out again." Danielle snapped.

My eyes widened as I tried to control my laughter from their bickering. Mostly from how Pansy would say anything to stay, and how Danielle would use every insult to throw her out.

Before I could butt in and tell them both to calm down, a sweating Clarence walked in the room. His wavy locks had straightened and scattered on the side of his face. His hand moved to his forehead to wipe the sweat and pull his hair back.

Pansy, catching sight of the boy, turned a little extra to our side and fanned her face mockingly. "Hot," She mouthed.

"Hey!" Danielle startled the brunette. "I told you to watch her for a bit, where the hell did you go?"

"I went to find mada-"

"Out!" madame Pomfrey had walked in, cradling a few vials in her arms. "Out, all of you!" She shooed a smug-looking Danielle, a dismayed Pansy, whose eyes still lingered to the last person who was kicked out—an exhausted Clarence. "This girl needs rest more than anything!"

Watching them all groggily head out, I waited for madame Pomfrey to say something.

"What do you feel?" She asked sternly, fixing and studying the vials on the bedside table.

"Lightheaded." I mumbled.

"As expected." She shook her head, deciding on a small, dark potion.

The last thing I wanted was a lecture, but then again, as a pregnant minor—I guess I deserve it all.


I swallowed the potion. Surprisingly, it was light— just like water flowing down my throat; the exact opposite of what I had expected because of its jet-black color.

She cleared her throat.

"Your body's all worked up. What have you been doing?"

Worked up?

"Nothing, Ms. Pomfrey," I sat up. "Why?"

"Your stomach isn't accepting any of the food you intake," She sighed, hands on either sides of her waist. "Every part of you—muscles, bones, nerves—have gone sensitive and are already giving in."

She started tucking me into the thin blanket. "I had to go over muggle books because your condition isn't specified in healing books."

"This is caused by fatigue, Ms. Bass. Whatever you're doing or going through is taking severe effect on your body."

"To put it simply, it's not functioning the way it should anymore."

"Any slight nudge, sudden movement, or strong scent will trigger nausea or vomiting—which I suppose you've been experiencing for the past weeks?"

I nodded.

"Expect more of this until you fully recover," She spoke as if she was scolding me. "Which is in three months or less, if you do as I say."

"That's ... it?" I hesitated, watching her closely. "My body's just tired?"

"Not just tired." She answered angrily. "You passed out in the great hall simply because of noise."

"You will not be attending your classes until I allow you to."

"Now rest, I am still searching for the safest meal to give you." She turned around and checked on the patients beside me.

Thank Merlin and all his descendants,

I sunk into the hospital bed.

I'm not pregnant.

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