"Fucking lies! It's all just, fucking lies!" Rose yells, pushing him.

Tommy doesn't flinch or move his face, his hands against his side, taking all her anger. His eyes were still glued on her, he wouldn't take them off.

"Are you using me too?" Rose interrogates, pushing him again. "You're using me to get over her, aren't you? Did you fuck her?"

Tommy wipes his face, getting closer to Rose.

He holds her wrists down.

"I didn't fuck her." Tommy replies sternly in a low tone.

"You arsehole!" Rose hits his shoulder, tears were on the brink of escaping her eyes.

Tommy isn't phased, he walks back up to her again, his ultramarine blue eyes piercing into her soul like a sword. "I'm not lying. Everything I said, that was real."

Rose was breathing hard, glaring at him.

"I would be lying if I said I planned on feeling that way."

Rose didn't want to believe him.

"It's only you."

She smacks him against the chest. "Prick." She mutters through gritted teeth.

"Okay? It's only you." Nothing seemed to hurt Tommy, he was even closer to her now, his lips against hers.

"All this time she was here, Daisy was here and you didn't even say anything about her..." Rose breaks away from him.

"There's nothing to say."

"That's fucking bullshit Tommy!" Rose points her index finger at him confrontationally. "Because she had a lot to say about you in The Garrison. You only wanted me to make her jealous, to find out more about my dad. But you wanted her for her in the beginning."

Rose chuckles, a berating chuckle. "And the truth is, you still feel something for her but you needed someone from your new life to help you figure it out."

"That's not true Rose, that's not true..." Tommy looks at the concrete ground, shaking his head.

"No, that's not true— you don't get to do that!" He finally shouts.

"Do what!?" Rose shouts back, matching his tone.

"Put words in me fucking mouth!" He bangs his fist against the brick body of the bridge.

Rose watches Tommy get frustrated, "all I wanted to do was protect you from this."

His voice was less harsh now, much more calmer. "She might be the first girl but your the first one I've l—" Tommy catches his words. "Because of you, I understand, what people really mean to each other."

"And now you'll understand what it means to lose someone." Rose shrugs, her voice breaking slightly.

They stare at each other for a while.

Rose didn't look back when she walked away, there was no point. Tommy was now something of the past, and the past, is the past.


Aunt Polly walks into Tommy's office, laying a warm cup of tea on his desk.

"It's better than the whiskey."

She observes her nephews facial expression, he was slummed back on his chair and there was an empty bottle of whiskey in front of him.

"Nothing is better than Whiskey, Pol."

Polly holds her cigarette to her mouth. "I'm guessing she found out?"

Tommy sighs.

"And you fell for her for real, did you?" There was a small smile on Polly's lips as white smoke left her mouth.

He already knew that Polly knew the answer.

"There's only one thing that can blind a man as smart as you, Tommy." Polly sits down in the chair in front of him. "Love."

"I don't like the way she looks at me sometimes." He admits, looking at the documents on his desk.

"You don't like the way she looks at you
because it makes you feel something—
and you probably thought you stopped feeling a long time ago."

Aunt Polly was never wrong when it came to issues of the heart, she was always right.

Tommy stands up, straightening his suit and regaining his composure. "Get ready Pol."

"For what?"

Tommy lights himself a cigarette. "We're going to finally take down Kimber and his men."


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