"But she did share a bed with him." Loki put his hand to his forehead wearily. "If you tell anyone this I will slit your throat, but he can comfort her in a way I cannot."

"Then learn to." I leant forward and put a tentative hand on his shoulder, half expecting him to pull it off. Instead he just looked up at me, waiting for more advice. "She told you to grow up. So grow up." I gave him a small shake to emphasise my words. "She's told you exactly what you need to do. She's mad at you for keeping the truth from her, but far more than that she's mad at you for not trying for her, when she's tried so hard for you. For not respecting when she says no, for you believing you're entitled to her. Think of all the relationships she could have, and didn't."

"If you were me, if the woman you loved was spending time with another person, what would you do?" 

I slid off the counter and put both my hands on his shoulders. "I don't know." I looked him the eyes. "But if you love her I-" My eyes slid from his and I dropped my hands. "I don't know."

"Didn't think so." Loki drained his beer and threw it behind him into the trash can. I gave him an impressed nod. He shrugged. "What can I say? I have very good aim."

"Very modest." I noted.

"Any other pearls of wisdom?" He asked.

"Don't scare her on purpose." I warned. "Not normally something that turns women on."

Loki threw back his head and laughed. 

"What?" I asked, following him out of the kitchen.

"Never mind midgardian. Never mind."

I sat down heavily on the sofa. "You'll never guess the conversation I just had with Loki."

Steve turned to me and tilted his head. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I told him that scaring women doesn't turn him on, and he laughed."

"Well," Steve finished his bottle, "while I would normally agree, have you met Bucky?"

"I have. What about him?" 

"Well, he's scary towards most people just about all the time." He shrugged. "Roara seemed to like that."

"No." I sighed. "Roara likes long haired brunettes who have a touch of psychopath. She likes to be tested." I looked at him and took a drink.

"And what about you Ali? What do you like?" I felt my spine tingle a little. What the actual hell Alina?  He's a friend! Sure he's shaped like a Greek God on steroids, and Jesus can that man hit a punching bag, but no! Platonic only!

I laughed to cover my embarrassment. "Not that."

"I'm curious now, come on, if you don't mind telling me." I hadn't realised how close we were on the couch. And how empty the room was.

"Well." I swallowed. "I like red-heads."

Steve nodded knowingly. "Nat does have that way about her."

"I never said Natasha." I crossed my arms defensively.

Steve put his hands up. "Alright, alright, but you do sometimes look at her... like that."

"Like what?" I jabbed him in the ribs. He was right though. Natasha could probably ask me to go on all fours and roll over for a treat and I'd do it.

"Like she's the only person in the room that you see." Steve shrugged. "Sometimes I guess I'd like someone to look at me like that."

"Bucky looks at you like that." I muttered.

"Huh?" He tilted his head at me. 

I took a sip of my beer hurriedly. "Nothing. I didn't say anything. Nada from my mouth."

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