Chapter 6

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The AEGIS headquarters was quiet, small sounds can almost be heard. The personnels were ordered to take a holiday, while some chose to become part of the skeleton crew running the command center. The tension that filled the atmospher since the encounter with Reiji Kageyama at the Rizal Park three weeks ago was now gone.

Everything was literally back to normal. The intense training days were over. The noise of fast-paced maintenance and repairs were now silent. The alarms turned-off. The shouting voices, silenced, including the familiar voices of his comrades.

Well, time to go on my own holiday. It's so good to rest after all these hard work as a Captain of the Gate Keepers ASEAN division and especially of my own country Gate Keepers Philippines.

He sat on his personal transportation pod and punched a few buttons on the panel with his destination in mind. Only a few seconds passed and he arrived at the air cockpit. The room was also eerily quiet, only the blow of the wind on the outisde can be heard. He walked passed a control circuit and into the door where his old buddy spy place was docked, waiting for him to sit in it and fly again.

He looked at his right and he saw a personnel guarding the place behind a glass at a distance. The control room. He waved and the personnel waved back. He then walked towards the plane, touched, and checked it all over, before he climbed up and sat inside. He strapped himself in, closed the hatched, and powered up the plane. The hangar doors opened for him and he flew. Behind him, the base was disappearing from his view as he gained altitude at top speed.

The view from high above was so beautiful. The cities, the parks, the seas, the clouds, all made the scenery a wonder to behold. It has been seven months since he flew his place and that was before he was reassigned to AEGIS-ASEAN to become the Captain of the regional Gate Keepers team.

He did miss flying this plance. But he missed most his comrades and those who he just met like Anna Venus.

"Congratulations to all of you for your victory two days ago," Commander Cav said happily, and a round of applause echoed throughout the base. "But before we go on for a full day and night celebrations, there are some things I must tell you." The Commander looked at each of the faces in front of him and continued, "I am deeply saddened to announce that Gate Keeper of Love, Miss Loids Artz, had left us."

"No way…" was the reaction from the gathered audience.

The Commander coughed, "But let us not mistake her as a deserter or an enemy. To set things straight, allow me to read to you a letter she gave us through her best friend, Anna." He nodded towards her.

He opened up a folder and took a folded paper. He opened and read it for everyone to hear, "She said,

To the honourable AEGIS-Philippines and my good friends,

It is i, the Gate Keeper of Love, Loids Artz. I wrote to you to inform you of my status.

First fo all, thank you and congratulations to all of you for your great effort that ultimately led to our victory. Yes, we lost good friends, friends that we consider our family. But know that they died defending what is right. We saved our country, the Philippines, and the ASEAN region from what would have been a great disaster if we had failed.

Secondly, I am well and sound. Very much in good health. So if you're one of those wishing for me to be dead, you may have to wait for a few more decades before you hear the good news.

Lastly but most importantly, I am sorry that I have to leave you all. The time has come for us to go on our separate ways. I am a member of the Lost Order of Gate Keepers and I am the Captain of one of its divisions. Did I work against AEGIS during my stay there? Certainly not. I can assure you, my job was as much for the benefit of AEGIS as it was for the Lost Order. Suffice it to say, I was on a special mission, undercover within your ranks, because we received reports four years ago that a top agent from the Gate Keepers Army successfully infiltrated your ranks.

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