Chapter Four

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Wanda had been with Sam and Dean for around 2 months now. And it had been an adventure, to say the least.

The first hunt she'd joined them on was with a nest of Vamps.

She had put herself up as bait which they instantly took, even though it did make both Dean and Sam worried, Dean a little more so. But, either way, they made their way inside and during that time, during her interrogation by the head Vamp, she used her magic against the binds she was in before finally making her way out as they were about to bite into her.

She broke the chains with her magic before Sam and Dean came rushing inside whilst Wanda helped the other victims who hadn't been bitten, but rather fed from. 2 of them being children.

"It's okay. You're safe now." Wanda told them as Sam carried one outside, Wanda taking the others.

"Never do that again." Dean said, coming behind her as she dropped the children off with their parents at the hospital. They had been the ones to call about the possible Vamps nest.

"Do what?" Wanda asked, walking back to the car.

"Leave a note." Dean said. "Go in as bait without telling us. You nearly killed me."

"Why would you care?" Wanda asked him. "I'm safe enough. I have enough magic running through my veins to protect both you and quite possible a whole state."

"That's..." Dean sighed. "That's not the point. Just...don't do it again. At least not before telling us."

"Okay." Wanda smiled.

She had left them a single note, telling them where she would be and what time to come. It was Sam who had worked out she'd used herself as bait the moment they managed to look through the tinted window.

The next hunt was with a werewolf in Nebraska. This was also where Wanda met Jo and Ellen who became fasinated with the powers she held, but also became annoyed at both of the boys for not calling in so long.

"Better put me on speed dial, kid." Ellen told him, just before they left.

Eventually, they found the wolf. The same wolf who tried to take a bite into Wanda, but only managed to scar her torso. Which, Dean would later patch when they were alone in the motel room. He worried then as well.

The current hunt they were on was a simple salt-and-burn, dealing with a pissed off ex-mayor who was killing all of the corrupt people within the town hall.

"Dean!" Wanda shouted as she spotted the spirit appear behind him.

Currently, Dean and Wanda were trapped inside whilst Sam was out in the graveyard looking for the bones.

The fight between the Witch and Hunter continued against the Spirit until eventually, Dean was knocked out cold, leaving Wanda to it. However, as it made it's way towards Dean, ready to place his hands at his throat for getting in the way of his next kill, Wanda's eyes began to glow and she steadied her hands, ready to try and kill the ghost that was about to kill Dean. However, he suddenly started backing up the moment he saw Wanda's eyes glow and then, out of no where, he burst into flames and finally, Dean started coughing, coming back around.

"Hey, hey, hey." Wanda said, getting him to focus. "Hey, take it easy."

"What happened?"

"You got slammed into the bookshelves, pretty hard." She explained, quickly. "Come on, lets find Sam."

Dean nodded, Wanda helping him up before slinging his arm around her shoulders, helping keep him steady.

Eventually, they found Sam, sweaty and dirt covered.

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