Chapter Two

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Just over a day later, they finally arrived at the bunker which Dean had been telling her about on the hours she was awake.

They had shared very few words. Just a few things here and there until Sam would call to check in on them and ask a few questions of his own.

"So, how long will I be here for?" Wanda asked.

"Till we find some answers. Why?"

Wanda gave a slight smile, placing her bag on the table. "Well, when you've finally managed to find a home, you don't exactly want to leave it so fast."

"Home?" Sam asked. "You lived at the bar?"

Laughing, Wanda shook her head. "No, but I do own it." She explained. "I've been working there for a while till the old owner, Ben, passed on. He had no family, so he passed it on to me. We've had good business for the last year or so. Until I had I Demon attack me about a day ago."

Sam just smiled, not really knowing what to say. "I guess I'll show you to your room."


Picking up her bag, Wanda followed Sam down a corridor before eventually coming to her room. It was standard, and clean.

"We don't typically have people stay, and those that do, don't really sleep." Wanda gave him a look. "It's...a long story."

Wanda just gave him a look which made sure he knew he'd have to explain later.

Sam just left with a smile, allowing Wanda to unpack the few things she owned before eventually, she joined them again in the library.

"Hey," Sam smiled, appraoching her. "So, I had an idea. Since we don't exactly know anything about one another, I thought we could do 20 questions?"

"20 questions?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, like you ask us a question and visa versa."

Wanda paused for a moment. She could remember playing the game when she was coming back from Sokovia. Peter, who had been helping out with SHIELD, could see that she was nervous so decided the play the game to take her mind from it.


Sam smiled, pulling out a chair for her to sit down before he rushed to the otherside of the table and sat down before handing her a beer.

"Okay, so..."

The questions began off simple before turning slightly wierd and then to deep.

"What made you get into hunting?" Wanda asked, taking another sip of her beer.

They were way past 20 questions now, but nobody was really keeping track anymore.

"Our mom," Dean answered, the look in his eyes, longing. "She was killed by a Demon. Our dad became obsessed and wanted to find it. Eventually, we did and I killed to son of a bitch."

Sam quickly cleared his throat breaking the silence that came after Dean's explanation.

"Any siblings?"

Wanda's face now settled. The boys could see the look on her face. But she plastered a weak smile anyway as she started to pick at the label on her beer bottle.

"One." Wanda answered. "My brother, Pietro."

Wanda's accent slowly slipped back as she said his name.

"We...we got hit by a bomb when we were younger. Orphaned. My dad...he would bring home sitcoms and we'd watch them all. But then, one night, everything stopped."

"I'm sorry." Sam said.

Wanda shook her head, tearing her mind from the tears in her eyes. "Don't be. You didn't cause it."

A short awkwardness came afterwards to which Wanda just smiled, telling them she was heading to bed. Sam and Dean just nodded allowing her to be on her own for the rest of the night.

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