~• Chapter 2 •~

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I've looked through all the main rooms, the bedrooms, bathrooms, practically any other room that I could find.

And yet he was still nowhere to be seen.

I can hear the music blasting from downstairs. How irritating. I slowly walk downstairs to see everyone dancing. And everyone was doing karaoke... Typical. I put my hands over my ears and looked around.

I can't stay down here. Where else could I go? I go outside and look up. There must be a way to get up there right? There's a balcony, so maybe I can find something from there.

I rush back upstairs with my hands on my ears, still preventing me from going deaf, until I reached the balcony. I looked up into the night sky and sighed. It's winter, so the sun had set pretty early. The stars look so beautiful twinkling in the sky, along with the glistening moon watching over the planet we stand on. It makes me want to float around, endlessly in space. Oh how lovely that would be.

I feel a cold breeze brush past my quills. It feels so great out here, but I can still hear that damn music. Maybe if I go higher up, I'll be completely alone in silence, just where I want to be. I look around and see a small ladder leading to the roof.

I guess that's where I'll be going then.

I slowly climb up the ladder, deep in thought. It would've probably been faster if I just flew up here with my rocket boots, but never mind. There's no point now. I just wonder where he could be...

He can be so mysterious sometimes. I like that. I wonder if he thinks about me sometimes.

Ugh, shut up shut up! Enough thoughts about him!

I make it to the top and look around. This is a pretty nice area actually. And I could barely hear anything from inside the house. I walk around, trying find a good spot to sit but instead I hear a small whimper.

Who could that be? And why would they be here out of all places?

I walk to where I hear the small cries, to see a blue hedgehog wiping some tears that fell from his eyes.


So he was here all along?

Why is he crying?

Oh god he must be freezing up here.

It's normal for me to not feel cold because I can warm myself up, but he was shaking.

Out of all places I expected him to be, it was not here. I didn't even know this place was accessible. At least I can talk to him alone now. Maybe I could do that dare too. That's if he wants to though. I don't want to force him to do anything.

I study him, watching as he hid his face in his hands, cursing under his breath.

I never knew someone so beautiful could cry this much.

I can't stop staring at him.

I should really move. But in a minute. I want to take a few more seconds to take in his beauty. I can't keep telling myself that I shouldn't think of him, because either way he still sneaks into my mind. Just like he snuck up here.

Why do I keep thinking of him. It's not like I like him. Or do I? He is everything that I could every want put into one hedgehog. He also reminds me so much of her...

I hope she's happy right now.

Oh how I miss you so much Maria.

Just then a sudden thought struck me.

What if I comfort him just like she used to comfort me? Sure it hurts to think about her, but when she used to comfort me, I felt better. Sonic will surely appreciate that, right?

I slowly walk towards him.

I will make him feel better. I will shield him from whatever is making him feel this way. He won't feel anymore pain tonight.

Don't worry sonic. I'm here.

Dancing on the rooftops (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now