Chapter 20: To be published

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Wang Lei read carefully page by page, and was deeply attracted by the content of the story and the pictures.

It is not the first time that he has read a story book written by others, but most of the stories are told in large pages, and only a few of them are illustrations. Like this book, there are pictures on every page of the book, and the pictures can basically think of this. This is the first time Lao Wang has seen the book with the central meaning of the page.

  Children who have to know how to read can also easily tell a complete story by reading the book. It turned out that it was because of the pictures, and Wang Lei was lost in thought.

After returning the book to the children, Wang Lei returned to the office and dialed the secretary's number.


  Han Mo returned home. He sat alone at his desk, his eyes fell on the closed computer screen. The black screen could clearly reflect his appearance. This face has gradually become less unfamiliar.

After a short gaze, Han Mo leaned back heavily on the back of the computer chair and sighed a long sigh. There was a big contrast between the busyness in the past and the idleness now. Although it was only a few days, he was accustomed to the traveling Han. Mo feels uncomfortable. Recently these short-term jobs have been paid a little, and life is not a problem.

Han Mo sits upright, with one hand on the computer desk, and just touches the original owner’s ashtray. Han Mo himself does not smoke. Although he has the memory of the original owner smoking, his resistance to cigarettes has not changed. In the room He has already thrown away his cigarettes. This ashtray is Shu Ya’s first time abroad for filming, and he bought it to the original owner as a gift. It has a unique shape. It is a mouth with blackened teeth. As a souvenir, Han Mo didn't throw it away when he cleaned up the house.

The phone rang, and Han Mo didn’t want to take out the phone directly. An unknown number flashed on the screen. The phone number of the TV station had already been saved. Who is this? Is it from Happy Valley? .

  Connect the call.

  "Hello, this is Golden Sun Kindergarten. Are you Han Zhixuan's father?"

  Han Mo's nerves instinctively tense upon hearing this sentence, thinking that something happened to the child in kindergarten, he subconsciously stood up and looked serious, "Yes, I am her father, what happened to the child?"

  Han Mo is a calm person, but when he hears the child's name, he becomes flustered somehow, hanging up and down, this feeling is very strange.

   "No, there is nothing wrong with the child, the child is fine." The caller was a young woman who explained with a smile when she heard Han Mo's reaction.

Hearing the words that the child is okay, Han Moxuan's heart is considered to let go, but since it is not a child’s business, how could the kindergarten call him? After he was calm, he asked again, "Then this call is for ?"

"Our principal saw the "Frog Prince" you painted and was very interested. I would like to ask if you have time to come to the kindergarten and talk to you in detail." The female secretary secretly read the book before calling. , I think it’s great. Now I’m a little looking forward to what this omnipotent father is like.

Han Mo hooked his mouth. This little guy actually took the book to the kindergarten. Han Mo doesn’t care if he talks about books. The main reason is that he misses the child a bit. The child will live with his mother for some time in the future. , I can take this opportunity to look at the child.

   "Yes, I will pass now."

   "Come here now?"

   "Yes, now."

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