Chapter 40: Real readers understand, I understand

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Han Mo no longer kept scrolling and updating comments, he clicked on the comment box, and his slender fingers crackled on the keyboard.

"First of all, I don’t want to bother to explain whether or not to swipe the ticket. I said I didn’t swipe it. If you say I swipe it, you can’t tell the result here. There are website supervisions that are fair. Real readers understand, I understand, that’s enough. Disgusting people bite, sincere people know it. Then, tell my story. The story of Little Red Riding Hood is not just a little girl visiting grandma’s house, she has a deeper meaning."

  There is a word limit for comments. Han Mo has reached the upper limit after typing this passage. He can only send out the comments first.

  Because no one came out to respond to the battlefield just now, it was meaningless to sing a one-man show by himself. The bombing had stopped. He just occasionally came out to say that it was not as frantic as it was at the beginning, but the screen was still full of curses.

  Han Mo’s comment has just been sent, and it will soon appear at the top of the comment. He knows that Troll is just taking a break at the moment and will never leave the page completely, so he put his comment on the top for real readers to see.

  Unexpectedly, not only the spray did not leave the page, but also many real readers kept guarding behind the screen. As soon as his comment came out, a few familiar reader avatar comments immediately followed.

   "Look, everyone, the horse knight has come out. This is the author's deity."

   "Knight on the horse, author! It's finally out."

Generally, authors often appear in the comment area of ​​their works, sometimes interacting with readers, and sometimes soliciting votes for themselves. Low-key authors like Han Mo who never show up are rare. His sudden appearance aroused a lot of comments from real readers. .

   "The Horse Knight said that "Little Red Riding Hood" has a deeper meaning."

   "Sit down and wait for the horse rider to continue."

Because Han Mo’s questioning of ticketing is a kind of my own people are not afraid of shadow crookedness, and other attitudes that you like to say and say. At this moment, what Tanzi says is like a mad dog biting people. If you understate it, just leave the topic. Turning to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, the spray did not stop, still saying, "Ticket Dog", but there was no wave of splashing, and no one paid attention at all.

At this time, Han Mo continued to write the next part in the comment box. The educational significance of Little Red Riding Hood was originally intended for readers to understand slowly, but he felt that it was necessary to say it in advance at this moment. Only in this way can we stop the sprayers. Endless scolding war, a meaningful story shouldn't be tainted by these dirty things.

"In fact, there are bad guys like big bad wolves around us. In order to achieve despicable purposes, they slyly disguise themselves as good people, which is hard to guard against. So the story of Little Red Riding Hood tells the children, first, children can't just trust strangers. If you don’t know, there is a big bad wolf among strangers. Be vigilant, let alone tell others about you and your family. Be careful of being used by bad guys. Little Red Riding Hood told Big Bad Wolf’s grandmother’s address, so big The gray wolf was able to find her grandmother's house and pretend to be Little Red Riding Hood to eat her grandmother."

  Han Mo's second post, readers who were waiting could no longer sit still, and expressed admiration.

   "Ah! Yes, yes, why didn't I expect that Little Red Riding Hood not only talked to the unfamiliar big bad wolf, but also told him the address of his grandmother's house, so everything happened later."

   "I've been reading for so many years, but I didn't realize the meaning of the story at once. I am ashamed."

  Followed a few more replies, all of which were patted on the thigh for why I didn’t understand the moral of the story the first time I read it. Some said I was waiting for the horse rider to continue talking. Han Mo didn't read it carefully and continued to write a third comment.

"Secondly, children should pay more attention to observation and be vigilant when they find an abnormality. When Little Red Riding Hood first arrived at grandma's house, she found that the grandma lying on the bed had a "crude" and "big mouth" voice, but she did not cause it. Attention, we were eaten by wolves. Third, there are many good people around us, they are like hunters who help others unselfishly. We must not only learn the character of hunters' willingness to help others, but also learn about the courage and bravery of hunters. The spirit of fighting bad people and bad things."

Han Mo put these two items on top together and quickly wrote the last one, "Finally, and most importantly, children must listen to their parents and bear in mind the instructions of adults, so as to avoid being fooled when encountering bad people. Believe in strangers easily, let alone be deceived by the appearance of others."

The four comments are at the top. Han Mo has already expressed all that he wants to express, and what he said is very simple. Generally, the parents who log on to the Twitter website are the parents of the children. This is so simple that they can understand at first glance. At first, it is impossible to read the story without reading it. It’s too careful to analyze it. If he doesn’t talk about it today, someone may find it after a while.

After reading the four comments in a row, the readers suddenly realized that "Little Red Riding Hood" was ranked fifth with more than 20,000 votes, which proved that it has a lot of real readers, and a group of spouts began to come out, and the readers did not parry it. The only reason is that they are not so loud, and secondly, even though they voted for the vote, they didn't know if the other votes were swiped, so they didn't dare to say anything.

  However, Han Mo's clever non-responding and non-observant attitude made this group of people who say ticket-checking look like clowns, which is particularly ridiculous. The profound implication of the subsequent story has completely shifted the reader's attention to the content of the story itself. As for whether to check the ticket is like Han Mo said, it is enough if the reader understands it, and the author understands it.

  At this moment, there are sprays from time to time that say "ticket dog", like a mouse crossing the street, instantly besieged by real readers, and then beaten to death with sticks, but that's it, there are still many sprays who are willing to jump out and die. However, the scrolling comments on the homepage have been cleaned up a lot, and everyone is discussing the story.

  "At first, I just thought that "Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Frog Prince" were just ordinary picture books, and they were treated as bedtime stories to my children. From tomorrow on, I will use this story to teach her a lesson."

  "I also want to teach my child a lesson. Every time I tell him these truths, he thinks I am verbose. This time I will use stories to teach him. It will definitely arouse his interest and get twice the result with half the effort."

  Some people also mentioned bad reviews, "Author, please delete those bad reviews, they must be spitting."

   "Yes, it looks like a navy army at first glance. It's too bad. It's deliberately discredited and immoral."

  Han Mo didn’t delete those bad reviews. It doesn’t make sense to delete or not delete. Anyway, he has already said what he wants to say. It’s good if everyone knows the true meaning of the story. He is ready to withdraw from the website, and the comments below are still going on.

   "Hey, I found that the reader accounts of these fans only follow the book "Bear Bear Paradise"! Shouldn't it..."

  As soon as this article came out, other readers also went to confirm it, "Really, there is only this book, and I only voted for this book."

  Han Mo didn’t look at it anymore, he quit the website and shut down the computer.

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