"Can I please have an autograph?" The  boy looked at her with sheepish and excited eyes.

Meeting his gaze, Felicity couldn't help but soften her eyes and pick up her pen, signing the first page of the novel.

"Thank you," the man said.

"Mr. Yongje Gilbert is there anything important you would like to share with the class?" The voice of professor rang throughout the class.

Both Felicity and Yongje looked at the professor sheepishly before burying in their head in their notebooks as if they were studying intently.

"Miss Felicity please report at the dean's office after this lecture," the professor dismissively said worked towards the podium.

"But I wasn't even doing anything," Felicity couldn't help but complain when she heard the professor. She didn't even do anything, why was she being punished? Is this a fate of the canon fodder?

"It wasn't her fault professor," Yongje who had his face buried in his notebook, raised his head and looked at the professor.

"I appreciate the deep friendship bond you two have but it is for some other reason," the English professor said when he raised the podium and casually rested both of his arms on top of it.

"What did I do this time?" Felicity mumbled with a worried look making Yongje look at her.

"It's alright! You're rich," Yongje comforted being rich obviously had its on perks.

"Ohh...yeah," Felicity who was deeply worried a second ago, straightened her back confidently and started listening to the lecture.

What is there to be scared of when her older brother can clean up after her? Hehehe.

After the lecture ended, Felicity made her way to the dean's office and entered it after knocking, only to find that there were four other students already there. One was Alexander who was lazy leaning against the back of his chair, Gina who was in a white dress and Benedict Lian who was a student of chemistry, he was well lnown in the whole campus for his research projects and it was also rumoured that he had the major contribution in the research of E acid that was a recent project.

He was also a young master from a prominent family in C city.

"Eh?" Felicity muttered in confusion when the Dean gestured her to sit beside Alexander.

Her eyes met Alexander's which were dark and were looking at her making her feel scalded by his gaze.

"As I was about to say, in every three years, are convention is held in any one state and a few students are sent from the colleges that are connected to Pereneva convention are sent to represent the college on the national platform. From our college we have decided to send you four bright students, excellent in their own field for this convention." The dean said, finally making Felicity have some grasp on what was going on.

Atleast she wasn't in trouble.

"Ohh wow, this is a big opportunity to represent our college?" Gina exclaimed in excited and a bright smile appeared on her face, her eyes also darted at a certain someone.

"I don't...have opinions," Benedict said with an 'I don't care' face.

"Is this necessary?" Felicity who immediately thought about all the work she had, asked.

"I don't exactly think that I have time," a cold voice came from Felicity's side and everyone looked at Alexander who was still sitting in an lazy yet elegant posture.

"We can't force you of course but this time it is being held in capital and sense Capital college is not too much of a hussle," the dean said but there was an a obvious regret, he really wanted these students to represent the school, one was a big boss at such a young age, managing the company as a CEO. One was a successful writer at 20, one was an upcoming big shot chemist with already successful contribution in his field and the last one was a rising actress with a few roles in big screen.

"Coincidentally I have to be in capital in a week," Alexander said, he had some work in the branch of his company in capital and he also had to visit his uncle wo lived in the capital.

The S city was known to be the hub of companies and business, it was leading and developing at a fast pace. That was why major influencial families of the country were in S City. However, his maternal grandparents and uncle was in capital.

"It's perfect then, the convention is in a week." The dean cheered up and said.

Felicity glanced around the room and heard the series of sounds of agreement, she couldn't bear to awkwardly stick out like a sore thumb and said anything.

After everything was said and done, everyone started to exit the office, Felicity being the first one to leave with a scorching gaze of Alexander on her back.

After their last meeting, he didn't dare to casually approach her even if he wanted to.

After hearing those words from her, he couldn't sleep the entire night, he thought and thought.

He came to a conclusion that he was indeed giving mixed signals, he wanted her back in his life as a friend. As what they were before everything went downhill but he was reckless with his actions.

However, with her? She always got the best of his emotions, he could help the recklessness.

So reckless.

So reckless

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He was a great prince of Li Dynasty, he went to the war at the mere age of 9.

He faught, he won.

He led the army of thousands, came back victorious with justice and righteousness in his veins but he lost to the devious backhanded plotting.

Now reborn, he will wear the skin human and play like a demon.

To protect those who he loves, Li Cheng Jing will go any lengths.

With her, for her.

Felicity: Fairytale Of A VillainessWhere stories live. Discover now