"Well, your babies are fine. Have you been under a lot of stress?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay, what you are having are false contractions brought on by stress. They're called Braxton hicks and they're horrible. I got them when I was pregnant. But here's baby boy, and there's baby girl. They're both moving good and they're growing amazingly well. You will have two healthy babies in less than twenty weeks."

"Thank you." I said and smiled and she wiped off my belly and handed me some paperwork. Then Bryan lead me back out to his truck, and drove me back to the apartment. "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be. It's alright. I heard you scream and thought you were being attacked, so I came out and yeah." He said shyly and I couldn't help but smile. "Now. Do you want a grab a bite to eat or head back?"

"Can we head back? I had stuff that needed to be put away. Then maybe you can take me out to eat." I said and saw his smile as he pressed on the gas and we left the hospital.

Bryan pulled up next to my car and we got out and he refused to let me carry anything upstairs. I followed Bryan upstairs and started to put the stuff away as Bryan kept bringing the stuff in. When it was all put away I collapsed onto the couch and rubbed my belly. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out and looked at the text message.

Ethan: I'm on my way to drop your shit off. Are you home?
Me: yup. I'll be here.

He didn't reply so I set my phone on the table and sighed, leaning my head back against the headrest as Bryan walked in and sat down on the couch, leaving some space between us. A strong kick took my breath away and I gasped.

"Are you okay?!" Bryan asked as he got closer and his hands hovered over my belly.

"One of them kicked." I said and giggled when they did it again. But this time both of them kicked so I took Bryan's hands and placed them where the babies were kicking and watched his eyes widen and his smile blossomed.

"Oh my god. I've never felt that before." He said and rubbed my belly, which enticed the babies to relax. They settled down and I had a feeling they were going to sleep now. "Why'd they stop?"

"You calmed them down. They'll be awake again in like an hour so you can feel them kick again, if you want to stay that long I mean... If you need to go work I understand." I said and blushed.

"I'd like to stay here with you." He said and kept rubbing my belly.

"Um. My ex is on his way to drop off the rest of the babies stuff. Could you possibly bring it up for me?" I asked hesitantly and saw him smile.

"That's no issue, crystal." He said and stared me in the eyes. "I'm sorry that he left you. I'm sorry that he put you through that kind of pain."

"It happens, Bryan." I whispered and felt the tears welling up in my eyes. "Will you be alright while I go take a shower?"

"Yeah. Go relax. I'll be here." He said and removed his hands.

I escaped to my bedroom and shut the door as the tears fell. Why was I so weak? Why did I have to fall for people so quick without even getting to know them? I sighed and ran my hands over my face and then stripped and walked into my bathroom and got into the shower where I let the tears fall freely.

When I was out of tears I shut off the water and wrapped myself in a towel and groaned when I realized with my belly it would never fit. So i dried myself off and walked naked into my room and pulled on yoga pants and a maternity shirt. Then I slipped on my black slippers and walked back out to the living room where Ethan was sitting on my couch and Bryan was glaring at him.

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