"Hey Kaminari, you saw those 1B girls right? " he asked me while he was drooling, 'gross'

"Yeah why? " I answered him, unfortunately he was sitting in front to of me so I can't get rid of him

"Which one of them do you think is the hottest up to your standards "

Than out of nowhere I felt all eyes on me 'is this what it's like to be popular?!what a pain! "

"I don't know, it's wrong to judge people based on looks, Mineta-kun"

I looked at my classmates and saw that they were satisfied with that answer especially the girls

"Gahhh, such a party pooper" he said looking away from me


We arrived at the supposedly start of the training camp, you know where they throw us off a cliff and have a bunch of earth monsters almost kill us

Anyways, we go out and stretch for a bit and that's when they appear, after our introductions (and a bit of Midoriya fan boying) that's when it started

Pixie-bob made a land slide sing her quirk , thank fully I managed to avoid it by jumping 50ft up

Than using my < Electric Board > I slide down the land slide while using my whips to catch some of my classmates from the land slide landing gracefully while the classmates I wasn't able to save had fallen on their faces (including Bakugo)

I carefully put down my classmates and looked around that's when the first beast appeared

Iida, Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugo took care of the first one but we heard more coming our way "ALRIGHT CLASS 1A ! LET'S SHOW THESE GUYS WHO'S BOSS! " I yelled wanting to get the class pumped up

Midoriya POV

I looked at Kaminari, he was fighting flawlessly he was taking down the monsters, it almost felt unfair, electric types are supposed to have a hard time against earth types, but I guess his so called whips and speed is a whole nother weapon of his

I almost felt tears go down my face
' I'll train harder, and one day I'll be in his level

Back to Kaminari POV

We were in a circle formation, right now we have Jirou and Koda in front navigating us through the forest along with me and Tokoyami we both covered the front while I also helped Tokoyami keep control of dark shadow // Bakugo, Sato, Kirishima and Sero were defending our left side //Aoyama, Asui, Todoroki and Ojiro were on our right // Midoriya, Uraraka , Iida and Shoji covered out back while Momo, Mineta, Hagakure and Mina were in the middle for our rotation

We would rotate our positions clockwise (so basically in every rotation, when a group ends up in middle position that's where they take a break from fighting so that no one would get tired, does that make sense?)

Everyone followed the position (surprisingly) and we all managed to get to camp whitin 5 hours only an hours less than originally

The moment we arrived most of us fell to the floor out of pure exhaustion
Even with the rotation we still got pretty tired but at least we weren't completely beat up like originally

"You said we'd make it in three hours, are you kidding me " Sato said trying to catch his breath

'That's how long we would have took" dais the red cat

"That mean, indicating how better you are than us" Sato continued

"I'm so hungry I'm gonna die" kirishima said holding his stomach

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora