Jimin hyung opened the lid with hesitation. The drawings were on the inner side of the lid as usual. We looked inside.

The tapes.

The gyroscope.

Everything was placed as it was supposed to be.

But something was odd.

Yoongi: There is a white envelope in there.

Yoongi hyung picked it up and examined it.

Hoseok: That wasn't there in the first place.

Namjoon: Did someone put it in there for us to see?

Jin: I guess.

Yoongi: It says "Cut Scenes" on it.

Me: Cut Scenes?

Taehyung: Open it hyung.

Yoongi hyung teared opened the envelope to reveal five small tapes neatly rolled.

Jimin: I have a feeling that these belong to them.

Me: Should we check them out?

Jin: Do we really have a choice?

Namjoon: Even if we destroy it again, its gonna come back.

Taehyung: I think they're trying to tell us something.

For a moment we stood in silence, then we gave eachother a nod.

Instantly we scattered. Namjoon and Jin hyung started to see which Cut Scene belongs to which tape. Then at the end they would join it together. Taehyung and Jimin hyung brought the projector screen while Yoongi hyung started setting up the gyroscope.

Namjoon: Its done.

*knock* *knock*

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Hoseok: Whose that?

Since I was standing near the door, I opened it. Luna was standing outside with a food trolley.

Me: Luna. What are you doing here? You should be in bed by now.

She smiled at me. I suddenly felt shivers run down my spine. A tingle of fear started spreading me. Why was I feeling this way towards my little sister?

Luna: Oppa I made you guys hot cocoa!

Jimin: Awwww you didn't had to.

Jimin peaked from under my arm.

Luna: I just thought that you guys must be tired so I made some. I even gave Soobin oppa, Taemin oppa and Taejin unnie cocoa too.

She beamed happily.

Me: Awww you can come in then.

She came in holding the trolley with eight mugs full of hot cocoa on it. Turns out, they were our favorite individuals mugs. We each grabbed.

Hoseok: Thanks little Luna!

Jimin: Thanks Luna!

Taehyung: Thanks little cutie!

Jin: Awwww what a sweet little princess!

Me: Now go and sleep you little demon.

Luna: *chuckles* Okay oppa.

Namjoon: Sweet dreams Luna!

Then she left the room closing the door behind her.

Yoongi: You have such a sweet little sister. Unlike mine.

Raven: Yah! 😤

Me: And I'm the proud brother. 😌

Namjoon: Let's not forget what we were actually doing here.

Taehyung: Right.

Jin: Turn off lights Jimin.


(A/N: Dont mind Ethan Hawke in here. He's an amazing actor tho.)

Jungkook POV:

Terrified? Yes. We were extremely terrified.

I grabbed my mug and instantly drank my remaining cocoa taking large gulps.

Namjoon: No. Thats-

Hoseok: This whole time we thought-

Yoongi: Its not right. It cant be fucking right!!

Jimin: Namjoon. Weren't they all the kids you were looking for?

Namjoon: Yes. They were.

Raven: Kids wont just kill their families like that! I'm 100% sure that Bughuul must've hypnotized them!

Taehyung: I agree.

Jin: And they were also the kids we saw in our dreams.

Hoseok: Guys. I feel.....dizzy.

Namjoon: Me too.

Taehyung: Everything's getting blurry.

Jimin: You guys are getting dizzy too?

Yoongi: I feel so dizzy.

Jin hyung and Raven started to lose their balance. All of them look like they were about to collapse.

A pain suddenly shot in my head. I also started feeling dizzy. My vision was getting blurry too.

Me: Guys.





Jin: Guys!



Me: Jimin hyung. I think there was something in the-



I fell on the hard floor with a thud. From my blurry vision, I saw someone standing infront of me. I squinted my eyes to see clearly. It was Luna.

Me: Luna?

Luna: *smirks* Sweet dreams oppa.


Boom! Plot twist!

What were y'all expecting? 😆

Important note:

Please stan Monsta X and stream their new english single One Day. Its such an amazing song yall. It literally had me in tears.

Also stream hard Monbebes cuz we got to get this song on the Billboard#1! Let's give the kings what they deserve yall! An mf award and an mf nomination at the GRAMMYS!

Love you so much my Demons.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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