A green lightsaber lit up the area and out came swinging his saber multiple times blocking Clem

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A green lightsaber lit up the area and out came swinging his saber multiple times blocking Clem. She was no match. He swung
Again she parried and she swung he parried.
Clem was shocked as well as pissed. She leaped into the air spinning and swung her saber one last time. I stopped her with my force lightning and Cat slammed her down and pinned her down. "Ugh! Uh! Who are you?"
"An old friend" the skywalker spoke.
Then Clem passed out. "Good we have her captured this time"
"She's grown weak from the last time we saw her"
I nodded.
"So your a skywalker?"
"I am"
"Are you related to a Rey Skywalker?"
"Rey? She's my last padawan, my last student"
"Then you are the great Luke Skywalker"
"We thought you passed on"
"I did but I woke up on my x-wing floating in space and I appeared to be young again"
This all sounded familiar.
"If I'm correct I made a huge mistake"
"741 was meant to recreate destroyed planets of the Republic, but the side effects of Vril became to unstable ended up bringing you Luke back to the world of the living"
"I've watched over you as a force ghost, I know you and your brother"
Jp was here first then Ben now Luke Skywalker. "Ben as in Ben Solo?"
"Yes" I was shocked but I realized he's a more experienced Jedi.
"Will you come with us, I have a theory if we brought back the old planets of the republic that we may have restored a few billion lives"
"I'd be honored too"
I carried Clem and we all returned to the ship.

If my theory Is correct, we need to be ready to guide everyone back to their homes. To their old lives. We approached everyone. At first it was no surprise that I found Clementine but to Reys and Bens shock, Luke stood beside me. "Greetings my old Padawans"
"Master Skywalker?"
"Uncle Luke?"
I was shocked, "Uncle?"
"Ben is my nephew"
"Of course he is, I must have forgot"
I carried Clem passed everyone and inside the ship. "How are you here?"
"Thanks to Bells 741, I woke up in my x-wing floating through space and flew towards this planet, I could feel his force signature"
"Bell what exactly have you done?"
"This is a new Side effect by Vril Transformium, I had no idea what would happen honestly but my intention was the recreation of the republic and nothing more"
"Ah Vril Transformium your wonders never ceased to amaze me" myka chuckled.
"So what about her?"
"Not a prisoner, that's my problem until then she stays in a room where she can't use the force"
"You look 25 times younger"
Luke chuckled. "Indeed, I feel great, feels like I can move more faster than I ever could"
"This Transformium?"
"It's only used ever to deal with major injuries"
"We only have two different variants of it, classic and vril" myka explained. "Vril was for the planets but the Transformium was also meant for the planets infrastructure"
"So bringing the deceased back to life is a side effect?"
"Given Vrils dark Nature, this is the first time we've experienced a positive change in its behavior"
Ben was confused, "which was?"
"When injected into the bloodstream it will then repair damaged cells and wounds but it would also make you explode from the inside out"
Myka wasn't thrilled about Vril Transformium. It's a wonder my brother had survived the process. "Then there was the dusting side effect, if a subject is to have Transformium as its primary injection then to have taken vril. Those particles would collide within you rending every part of you to dust"
Rey shuddered. "This is entirely new, something I'll have to keep an eye on, other than that your in good condition Skywalker"
Even Luke seemed a bit shocked but exhaled.
"Well alright then"
"I can only hope that this doesn't get out of hand" I told them all.

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