Chapter 8 - Test Time

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Normally I would have taken my time, relaxed. Watched those around me, learn who is struggling and who is smart. But none of that mattered. My mind cleared; the only important thing was finishing this test as fast as possible. My pen scribbled across each page, simple geometry, multiple choice history facts, basic physics of motion – it was pathetically simple. Most of this I had learned at 7, in the White Room. To think that students could struggle with it was laughable. That place truly did make geniuses. Even all of those who failed were still far beyond most of these students.

And at the 14-minute mark, my hand shot up into the air, at exactly the same time Kouenji's did. He smirked at me, recognising the humour in the ridiculous situation. The chances that people finish a test in exactly the same time is astronomical. It would mean solving and writing at the same speed as each other, something that when measured should never occur in such a chaotic environment. Yet we truly were each other's equal.

Chiyabashira came over and took our papers from us, since we were done, although she didn't allow us to leave. Kouenji decided to take the time to file his nails, while I took a nap at my desk, ignoring the stares from most of the class, but particularly Horikita, Matsushita and Yukimura, the three whom I regarded the smartest academically after Kouenji and I.

They would probably not believe we had actually completed the test, but when sensei returned with the results tomorrow, it would become clear that we had. I was confident we had both scored full marks. I had seen those sorts of questions before, and none of them were challenging. Those last three for maths, though. They were interesting. For the school to put what I assumed to be third year at least, if not college level questions on our test, there had to be a reason. They were probably the hint the school was giving with the test. Perhaps...

No point speculating now. As there was far too little information, and I wasn't sure whether it would even matter, I was much better off filing the information away for later consideration, than to worry about it for the next hour.


Finally, the day arrived. May 1st. The day my life could finally get interesting. So far none of the other classes had acted, probably hesitant due to lingering doubts of my analysis, but today would confirm everything for them. The class battle would finally begin, and I could have some fun in my dull school life.

When I checked my phone this morning, I had only received 12,000 points. A huge decrease from the 100,000 from last month, but to be honest I was surprised class D had received anything at all. Sensei told us on the first day that we would be judged based on our merit and worth, and personally I felt the class should have been judged worthless.

Most of the class were talking in befuddlement, asking the same questions over and over to people who didn't understand what was happening. Of course, their saviour Hirata was doing his best to calm them, telling all the girls not to worry, that when Chiyabashira arrives the situation should be cleared up. I'm certain he had a good grasp of everything though, so really, he was lying through his teeth. He had all but confirmed he believed what I posted and had foreseen this kind of outcome as well. But for him, his priority was a positive classroom, which meant he had to calm everyone down, even if it meant giving out false hope.

Kouenji, as per usual was relaxing at his desk, with the biggest smirk I had ever seen on his face. Obviously, he understood the situation, but unlike the rest of the class he had no reason to be concerned. Over the past month we had both saved up large sums of points won or extorted from seniors, having foreseen such an event occurring.

Horikita entered the classroom a little later than usual today, however no one noticed, all too distracted with their lack of points. When she reached her desk, she stared at me for a moment, before taking her seat, deep in thought.

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