"You're done?"

"Yep. This was the last time I was gonna put up with almost 2 months of nonstop work and dealing with my wounds and all of that-"

"How bad are your wounds?" Edric asked lowly, ears flattening at the thought of where they came from. Titan, he hoped it was battle.

Hunter's smile faded. "I took care of them, Ed. They were... not great but I have it under control now. He can't get to me anymore if no one knows what I look like but him!" He said, smile fading back into place. 

Edric felt a million thoughts happening at once. 

"Do you have a place to stay? What about your palisman? How many people know your name? What you look like? When was the last time you've eaten-" "Ed." Hunter said, standing up. "Take a breath. The only answer I have is that Rascal is safe and we had a weird mushroom earlier, but we're making due."

Edric's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open at his response.

"That's not okay! You, you can't live off of the woods or, wherever you're living! You need a home, Hunter!" He exclaimed.

Hunter blinked. "Where would I go? I don't know anyone outside the coven except you, so..." He trailed off. 

Edric sat with that for a moment, pondering his options.

His face lit up in realization. "You can stay with me for a few days, but I do know of somewhere where another ex-coven member used to reside." He smiled.

Hunter's eyebrows furrowed. "I can't ask you to let me live with you" - he scoffed.

"You're not asking. I'm telling." Edric said finally, standing and outstretching a hand to Hunter, who took it in a firm handshake.

"My parents are out of town for a few days so we don't have to worry about them, and that'll give us enough time to talk to Eda."


After much debate from Hunter, Edric had managed to kidnap him and bring him back to the Blight Manor. He stayed in Edric's room, begrudgingly being convinced into taking Edric's bed over the floor. 

"No, Ed, it's your room. I'm just a visitor."

"How's that back pain treating ya?"

"... not the point-"

The third morning came faster than the two noticed, as they mostly spent the hours together catching up, laughing at each other, and stealing glances they hoped the other didn't notice. 

Last night, in particular though, was hard for Hunter to shake his thoughts of. 

"Okay Ed, I'm gonna try to get some sleep now."

"Okay blondie, I'll shut off the lights n stuff." Edric said, happily setting up his room for the night. Hunter watched as the other boy cheerfully clicked off his lamp, shut off his crystal ball, plugged in his scroll, and started folding some blankets for himself for the night. Edric paused, though. He turned to Hunter, the two sharing a short silence.

"Hey goldie..." Edric trailed off, looking at the blankets in his arms.

"What's up?" Hunter asked. Edric shuffled awkwardly, a blush growing into his cheeks.

"Do you think... it's okay if not but... it's the last night you're staying here... do you think I could sleep with you?"

Hunter went red at Edric's word choice. Edric flushed in realization. 

empty handed - goldric oneshots/drabbzWhere stories live. Discover now