Learning about wendigo's

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    You jolt up from your bed. What kind of dream? Your eyes dart around and you stand upand turn on the dorm light. You look on your desk. The desk is a mess and you inhale sharply. You sigh and sit at the desk. You slowly start cleaning up the desk.

 After an hour you sit down and start doing homework. A bit later you hear a knock on the door and go to awnser it.Its a clearly drunken student. Your eyes narrow slightly and they smirk at you. You shut the door and lock it, walkin back to your desk and continuin on with your work. You grab your phone and ear buds, and turn on music. You sigh and look around.

 You finish up and put everything away and check the time. "3:30" You mumble. You get up and o take a shower. You let out a soft sigh and look strip. You hear a feint click and your head imidetly shoots up and you look around. Your eyes narrow but you cant see anything so you turn on the watter and hop in the shower.

 You step out of the shower and huff softly. You rub your back and dry off. You brush your hair and get ready for school. You put on lipgloss and go backinto your room. Sighing, you sit down on your bed and grab your phone. You scroll through your phone and set an alarm for 5:30. You lay down and close your eyes, drifing back to sleep.

 A loud ring occurs and you wake up and graon turning off the alarm. You yawn softly and sit up. 

You walk into the bathroom and fix yourself. You walk out and leave the dorm.

 You reach your first class:Folklore!

Today was about Wendigo's. You smiled brightly. This was one of your most faveorute creatures. A smile was present on your face. Zeirro looked over at you. 

 "You like wendigo's?" He asks you. You look over and smile.

"My faveorite!" You smile.

"I enjoy them aswell." He smiles softly.

 "Alright everyone! We have some videos for you to watch." The teacher, Mr. Hilliard, says.

-•○•- After sum bullshitery and Zeirro correcting multiple vids lamo -•○•-

Mr.Hilliard sighed
  "Alright..if you insist the videos are so wrong why don't you tell us what's right?"

...Zeirro is to smart for his own good-

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