imagine getting kidnapped

560 14 0

S o n g)
  You sigh. It's the end of the day and you already overwhelmed. You sigh as you sort heading to your dorm.

   You walk into the dorm and see a female sitting on the couch and she looks at you growling. You chuckle nervously. She rolls her eyes. You frown. You walk to your room and shut the door. You sigh. You look at the room. You start cleaning.
    You sigh. You look around, wiping sweat from your forhead. You sit on the bed. You open your laptop and start working on you homework. You hear a knock. You open the door and see Karl. You smile. He hands you a cookie.
  "Here!I made this for you." he smiles. You eat the cookie and his expression suddenly changed
  "Im sorry- Zero force me too" he says sadly. You look confused befor suddely falling back and blacking.

_(imagine me dissapearing)_

You wake up and gasp
   "Oh! Are you finnaly awake?" You hear.
"W-where am I?" You say and the. Light flicks on. You take a moment to asses your surroundingd before you look dead on...
You look at him and he smiles walking closer



" why do you smell so sweet~ it makes it so hard to not just gobble you up" The tall figure takes off his mask and starts to shrink. You cry softly.

It's zero

_(Hah so uh what happened was that I got severe writers block and my grades said Syanora so i had to just-stop for a bit)_

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