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( short chapter lol ) 

Y/N pov again ^^

It was getting late outside by the time I got back to the base. Me and Pieck were heading towards her room. I didn't wan't to sleep here at all. But in the alley way it was too dangerous. 

As we were walking past Porco's room I could've sworn I heard crying.. I didn't know what to do, so I just sped my walking and went to Pieck's room. I looked in the mirror and saw how I looked. My hair was messy but still intact. My face was covered in dirt and red because I was crying.

My, I looked hideous. I wonder why... 

Pieck had an extra bed so I slept there. Waiting for the night to go by. I wanted to leave this place. I wanted to leave everyone and everything. 

I can't handle being here anymore. 


Small timeskip. 

They already left and Y/N got put inside the barrel ( no, she is not Megan ) 

They are currently as castle bulgard and as I said before this story isn't completely canon. :)

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