Chapter 5

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"What the hell..." Louis muttered into his hands as Harry finished the tale. Niall just stared at Harry, his eyebrows furrow together.

"Wait, so you were driving and then abducted a kid, who can throw people against a wall with his mind, wearing a bloody hospital gown in the middle of the night?" Liam asked his gaze hard on Harry. "Harry. This is incredibly serious. You could be charged with kidnapping or something!"

"I-I know how it seems now but I know that this kid is running from someone. Someone who hurt him." Harry said, looking between all 3 of the boys.

"How the hell do you know this? The kid can speak 2 bloody words. Lou's little sister can say more than that." Liam stated, trying to drill into Harry more. "We should call the police and they can take care of him. If someone's trying to kill him and other people, the police should help us! He's probably a runaway not whatever you think he is! How do you know he's special, anyway? He could be some psycho from the loony bin for all we know!"

"I just know, alright, Liam? Did you not see the way he reacted earlier? He would flip if we called the police. There's something more going on here. He also threw Louis against the wall with his mind. I'd say that makes him pretty bloody special!" Harry said harshly. Liam groaned and rubbed a hand over his face.

A small noise came from behind Harry and all 4 boys stiffened up and turned around to find Zayn standing there staring at them, the sleeves of Harry's sweater dangling past the tips of his figures. One of his boney shoulders slipping out of the sweater's arms. The tanned skin pulled taunt over his bones.

Harry threw on a smile and patted the seat in between him and Niall. Zayn rubbed the sleep from his eyes, only making him look younger as he shuffled sock-clad feet towards the group of boys.

He sat in the chair and looked between them all, warily looking at Liam, Louis, and Niall before Harry cleared his throat lightly to get Zayn's attention.

"Zee, I was wondering if you could do a favor for me?" Harry asked gently. He looked straight into Harry's green eyes before nodding.

Harry pulled out a pencil and placed it in front of the young boy, so everyone around the table could see it. "Could you try to lift how you pushed Louis earlier?"

Zayn didn't look at any of the boys, just stared at the pencil harder. They all say there in silence for a few moments before Liam spoke.

"This is dumb, Harry. There's no way he could've pushed Lou. There's probably a logical reason for what hap..." He didn't finish because soon the pencil lifted up off the table. The 4 boys gawked at the pencil as lifted a little higher.

Suddenly, the pencil fell back onto the table. They all looked at Zayn, who was looking at Harry with an innocent look as blood sluggishly dripping from his nose, his gaunt face looking so young. Harry looked at Liam with a smirk.

"Think he's not special anymore?"


"How about we get pizza?" Niall offered as Zayn set the salt and pepper shakers down on the table with his mind.

"Sounds good to me." Louis said and Liam nodded.

"How does that sound, Zee?" Harry asked Zayn, who was grabbing another tissue to wipe the blood from under his nose. He shrugged.

Niall was the one who ordered, as everyone else got settled on the couch. Liam put on 'Finding Nemo' as Harry, Louis, and Zayn settled on the couch. Zayn sat in the corner of the love seat, with his knees drawn up to his chest as he watched the tv with fascination.

Death By A Thousand Cuts [Zianourry]Where stories live. Discover now