Part 1

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"Ughhhh" i moan to myself when i hear the noise of music blaring from downstairs. It was my dads 40th birthday today and i had to go down otherwise he would think i was being rude but I'm not being funny i don't fancy being down there. I start school on Monday which is in two days and I'm shitting it.

"Come on party pooper" Tom says jumping on my bed next to me.

"Oh shut it holland I really don't want to go down and be in a room full of 40 year olds" i reply and lay my head back on the pillow.

"They are not all 40 year olds evans. Sam harry and paddy are down there too so that makes four pretty much kids down there.

"Ugh fine i will come down and say hello then im coming back up"

"Sure. Get changed into something instead of stitch pyjamas though"

"Yes holland i know that. Now fuck off out of my room bitch"

"Yes ma'am" he said jokingly and leaves the room.

I get changed into a black short dress and i don't bother putting shoes on i just wear black socks.  I brush my hair and add a little make up to look at least a little presentable. I look at myself in the mirror for a final check and i head downstairs to the others.

"There she is muhn. Where have you been Livy?" Seb asks.

"Hey uncle seb. Up in my room i don't exactly want to be down here anyway with a bunch of old people talking about gardening and shit"

"Oh come on hun lighten up" my mother says.

"Yes boss" i joke and she smiles which makes me smile.

My father walks in with a man. Not just a man but an incredibly sexy one. He looks the same age as my father but fucking hell he was smoking. His hair was perfect, when he flashed a smile at me he had perfect white teeth and not to mention he had a stubble beard that was on point he was one sexy Man fair play.

"Olivia stop drooling" i hear harry say from behind me.

"Oh fuck off holland!" I shout.

"OLIVIA! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" My dad shouts and the hot man laughs.

"Sorry dad."

"Anyway olivia you haven't met this man before but this is Robert downey jr. We used to hate each other in school but we are good friends now"

"Nice to meet you Olivia" he says and he goes to shake my hand.

"Uh y-yeah nice to meet you too" i stutter and go to shake his hand. He had one huge hand fair play. Big strong and very long fingers.

He left and i walk over to Tom.

"Hey have someone got a crush on mr downey?" Tom says with a smirk

"Uh no he was just intimidating" i reply.

"Oh right he is a little yeah but I'm used to it" tom says and takes a sip of lemonade.

"How do you know him?" I ask.

"Oh uh family friend" he says but sam and harry let out a snigger.

"What ever you two are laughing at you better wise up or i will actually drop kick your asses" i say.

"Olivia! Stop being so mean jeez" i hear Anthony say from behind me.

"Oh look who it is the one and only Anthony Mackie. What do you want now?" I say sarcastically.

"Oh nothing just came here to bug you"

"Ugh get away"

"How about NO" he says and he gently pushes me.

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