"Nerd, what you looking at now?" Kyoko calls, walking over as daniel slams the file shut on a instinct. Kyoko waits and raises her eyebrow in curiosity, "kinda sus there aren't you?" She adds, grabbing the file and yanking it out of his hand, making him jolts and try to grab it back, but fail. Kyoko waves the file around before looking through the file herself. "Hey now, you really want to know us don't you? Hey! Delta you've got a fan here!" She jokes, throwing the file away as daniel scurries to grab it, putting it back.

"What? I don't have fans." Delta mumbles, his tone depressing and quiet, as he looks away remaining guilty. Sukuna remains leaning next to him, worried, as kyoko walks over and shakes her head.

"Sure, then why does the nerd have a file about you then?" Kyoko asks, "even I know they don't own files to keep." She adds, pointing at the file, letting delta glance over but not even seem fussed, picking at his trousers, whilst sukuna remains quiet.

"I grabbed the files when sukuna and I got my stuff. I thought it'll be useful." Daniel replies, keep a high grip on his coat, shaking in paranoia, as alpha mumbles to himself, interested. He walks over briskly, almost as if he didn't get slapped earlier, and grabbing the files daniel has, and looking through a few, his face showing nothing but a interested shock, as he gets more shocked by the second.

"Looks like they know almost everything about us, even the saikos." Alpha points out, closing the files and placing them onto his own desk, letting daniel sigh, knowing he isn't going to get those back anytime soon. Kyoko brushes her hair aside, before walking to her own bed and laying down without a reason to why, meanwhile alpha walks back to daniel, as sukuna checks delta over for any injuries.

"Come here pet." Alpha orders, not even giving daniel a  choice; grabbing his arm and dragging him to the desk, showing a various amount of files, catching Daniel's attention. He really does write a lot, maybe he actually knows the most here. Daniel takes mental notes, whilst alpha stands there watching him. "You catch on quite fast, maybe why sukuna grabbed you." Alpha says, watching as daniel starts to look through the files, taking by a needed curiosity to do so. "Off in your own world, maybe I'll like you daniel." Alpha snickers, glancing at the others before pausing. "Someone who actually takes the science seriously." He adds, signing.


"That took too long." Sakuras mutters, wiping herself down, and closing the door, looking around knowing she's being watched. "Then again she didn't stop trying to run away, fucking newbies, always piss me off." She adds, walking away not even phased by the guards walking down the corridors, as she clambers through the smaller doors, cursing at her back as she stands back up. "For being a fucking rich company they really need to fucking change their doors." She curses, pushing a small group of lower levelled killers away, wiping her face from a small amount of blood she felt. "Guess I made a mess, shame." Sakura shrugs.

"We can't keep losing the lower levels like this! Keep your higher levels under control!" A scientist yells, catching her attention, changing her sight to see a group of scientists arguing with each other. Sakura leans against the wall, watching as they keep yelling at each other.

"Well train your rats to keep their mouths shut!" Another screams back, making a few mutters to themselves, "since the training shifted we've been struggling to make sure the level 4s and higher don't start because of the low lives!" They add, catching a punch from the other one.

"We never lose any higher than 5, but we're going to have to start using them for field projects! Then what!? Who's going to be sent to the games then!" They snap back, making the group as a whole pause. Sakura takes the chance, walking over to the group, making them all stop with whatever they were planning to say or do.

"Well then darlings, what's happening here?" Sakura smiles, tilting her head as the group pause, already knowing who she is. Sakura takes the chance and grabs ones jaw, lifting them up, looking them over before shoving them away. The rest step aside, not caring about the one who falls down, unable to get up from his fear alone.

"Zeta, what are you doing here?" One asks, stepping forwards, as the others stay quiet. "Your forbbiden to trespass." They start, but sakuras just rolls her eyes, and grabs his head, shutting them up, but also crushing the sides of their head, making the scream in agony, letting the others know what's happening.

"your not useful, better leave now." She mutters, crushing the rest of the scientists head before walking away.

"This is why we have to control the level 4s and higher, keep thinking their able to do whatever they want." One spits, kicking the body away, whilst the others don't say anything. "Who's allowed to request ideas to the CEO again?" They add, looking at the rest as they say nothing.

"Nobody dear." Sakura calls, before the one who asked blows up in front of the others. "Its strictly forbbiden!" She adds, leaning through a door, and closing it, leaving the shell shocked group covered in blood.

"I should have worked at my families fucking company."

Games Of InsanityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon