Chapter 2: Nostalgia

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As soon as I reached the small forest behind the park, I looked for my hideout. It was a wooden treehouse, perched on one of the many trees. When I was six I had gotten my Father to get professionals to construct it for me. A few weeks later, after Mr. Lancaster signed the partnership papers and they moved into the area, Will found me there and it became our space. I quickly climbed up the ladder, got into the small house and locked the door.

We had our own set of keys when we were younger; which we carried around everywhere afraid someone would try taking over our territory. Everyone in our grade one class had been jealous of us, and we had been mighty proud. Now, though, they were probably lying around somewhere in my room.

"Grace, open the door. Please chère," William pleaded, knocking on the door.

I was trying very hard not to cry for all we had lost, but I knew that seeing him comfort me would set me off so I stayed quiet hoping he would go away.

The seconds ticked by on the wall clock beside me, and as soon as the clock struck 2, thunder rumbled outside and I screamed. Embarrassed, I slapped my hand over my mouth and grimmaced. William was still outside, and knocking; I heard him chuckle.

"If you don't open this door right now, Grace, I will climb over to the window and come in. If I fall and die, it's on you."

I sighed. "Just go away, William. Please."


"Fine. Stay."

I started looking around the tree house and ignored his persistent knocks. The wall opposite the door had pictures of Will and I through the years until our fall out. This was the first time I was coming here since, and I found it strangely comforting. There was a small desk in one corner with scattered books and papers; two beanbags, a shelf, television and posters decorated the room. You could actually see the transitions that had taken place over the years. A lego box along with some stuffed toys and colouring books still sat in a corner in a box; we were supposed to donate it to charity the day after homecoming. Sadness washed over me.

Beside our desk, along with our pictures of the past years, there were two tiny hand prints. One in pink and one in blue. We had painted our hands and stuck it on the wall one day while painting pictures claiming this way we would be best friends forever. Those were the days. Everything was so simple; pink was for girls and blue was for boys.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts, and scared out of my jimmy choos, as thunder clapped outside and lightening zoomed across the sky. The sky started pouring and I suddenly felt bad for the relentless boy getting drenched outside the door.

"Will?" I asked in a small voice.

"Yes?" He answered. "Are you finally going to let me in? Cause I'm soaked to the bone and it's getting quite uncomfortable."

I weighed my options; he was not going to leave and so he would get drenched and probably end up sick the next day.

"You're not going to leave, are you?"

"Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'. "But even if I wanted to, the ladder's too slippery to climb down."

"Fine," I groaned, opening the door. "Come on in."

I hastily moved out of the way, and went to sit on my beanbag. After a moment of silence, Will spoke up.

"So, nice weather, huh?" He winked.

He knew how terrified I was of thunder. He used to be my comfort during such nights, calling me up and staying on call if we were not together during a storm and not hanging up until the thunder stopped, or if it were at night, until I fell asleep.

"Shut up."

I was currently sitting with my arms around my knees, scared shitless. Will suddenly got up from his own beanbag and walked towards me. He was no longer drenched, borrowing from our spare clothes we used to keep here.

"What? Why are you coming closer? Go back."

"Come on, Grace. I know you're terrified, let me sit closer."

"I'm not terrified." I so was.

"Sure, that's why you're clutching your knees so close to you, yes?" He rolled his eyes.

"Fine," I relented, for the umpteenth time that night. "But don't you dare touch me."

Will raised his hands in surrender and chuckled. He sat in front of me with his back resting on my beanbag and started toying around on his phone. He had grown a lot since freshman year.

William Lancaster had chocolate coloured hair, with the bluest eyes you'll ever see that contrasted with his hair and light tan beautifully. Will and I used to spend summer travelling, I suppose he still did without me if his tan was any indication. He was lean, had a chiseled jaw and full lips that were always unconsciously smirking. Except when he used to be with me of course. Ugh. I need to stop thinking of the past.

Suddenly, the loudest thunder ever sounded, it was as if the sky was tearing in half; it was so bad I almost had a heart attack, fearing the worst. I squealed and shut my eyes, hiding my face in my knees. After it had quietened down, I heard shuffling and then felt Will leaning down beside me. He pulled my head up and stuck headphones in my ears, let her go by The Passenger playing. He smiled at me and got up to move away.

"Stay," I said, grabbing his arm.

If he was surprised, he did not show it. Instead, he sat back down and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. He smelt of warmth, comfort and masculinity. I buried my head in his chest, still listening to music, and closed my eyes basking in the now while it lasted.

*** :'D
I am in love with Will already
I hope this works out for them. Let's see what happens next I honestly didn't want to stop writing yet, but I have my Politics exam at in 4 and a half hours
Pray for me. Kthanks. :*

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