Part 33

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When I get home, I'm tired and ready to fall asleep.

"You're finally home." Jack exclaims.

"Yeah. And I wanna sleep." I tell him.

"But you just got home." he whines.

"I know. But you try teaching 60 kids." I reply.

"I teach a zillion kids karate everyday." he says.

"That's different." I tell him. He shrugs and I go upstairs to my room.


The next day, I have a doctor's appointment so I'm leaving the school early.

"You want me to drive you to the school?" Jack asks.

"Are you leaving now?" I reply.

"Yeah." he nods.

"Sure." I say. I grab my bag and follow Jack out to the car. It's only a five minute drive so I usually walk which takes about ten minutes.

"So what time is the appointment?" Jack asks.

"I think it's around 1:30pm or so." I answer.

"Mkay. Rudy said I could go with you if you want..." he says with a suggesting tone.

"Yes. You can come with me." I tell him. Since I'm four months pregnant, I can see the gender of the baby and he really wanted to know. He pulls into the school and parks the car so I can get out.

"I'll be out here around 1:00pm." he tells me.

"Okay. Love you, bye." I say.

"Love you too." he replies. I shut the door and walk into the school. None of the kids are running around since it's 7:30am in the morning.

"Hey, Kim." Sharla smiles.

"Hi, Shar. What's up?" I ask as she walks into my classroom.

"Just stopped by to say hi." she shrugs.

"Okay." I reply.

"Henry said you needed a sub this afternoon." she tells me.

"Oh, yeah. I have a doctors appointment at 1:30pm this afternoon." I say.

"I don't have an afternoon class so I can sub if you want." she responds.

"Thanks!" I smile.

"Sure. But, you have to promise and tell me what the gender is." she says.

"Okay." I laugh. Soon some kids start walking in so Sharla leaves.

"Good morning, Ms. Kim!" Billy smiles.

"Good morning, Billy. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. You?" he asks.

"Great." I smile. He sits down at his desk and starts talking to his twin sister Briella. I let them talk until 8:00am then start their lesson.


At 12:50pm, I start gathering my stuff up. Soon Sharla walks in so I introduce her to my class then leave. Jack pulls up right as I walk out. I get in and we drive to the doctors office. We walk inside and sign in. We wait for about ten minutes before a nurse comes out.

"Kim Crawford." she says. Me and Jack get up and go into the back room. She gets out all her equipment out and I lay down on the plastics bed. "So, since you're four months along, you can know the gender and whether you're having multiples or not. Would you like to know?" she asks. I look at Jack who is like a little kid and trying not to act like one.

"Yes, please." he says.

"Okay." she smiles. She moves the weird stick thingy (still don't know what it's called). "Congrats, guys! You're having twins. A boy and a girl."

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