Mr Speedy:

I think you just won yourself a new best friend.


She is smilling so widely the I'm worried

that her face would split in two.


Oh, Shut up both of you

It feels nice that someone else sees her that way.

Spidey cahnged Unknown to 'Ms Scary'

Mr Speedy:

I think that's extermly fitting don't you think Scitch?


Yes it's the perfect way to describe her.

Natasha Romanoff looked at the twins an eyebrow raised. " What you really are that scary, heck even Thor's afraid of you."Pietron said, backing away a few steps from the ex-assasin. Natasha of course understood what he said and nodded at his explination." So, Nat, what do you think about Spidey?" Wanda asked, hopeful that she liked him." He doesn't seem lke a threat so I think it's safe to continue texting him but vigilant." she responded, with a serious tone. The twins nodded, of course that's what the ex-assain would say, to be vigilant and careful since he could be a potential threat, though the twins couldn't even think that Spidey could be a potential threat. They looked down at their phone to see a message by Spidey, saying that he had to get back to class. As the four Avengers said their goodbye's, they went in their speprate rooms.

Wanda sat down at the edge of her bed thinking about Spidey. He's the first person that she talked to that was close to her age, since her brother doesn't count. She couldn't help but feel excited at this prospect. Finally, she found a friend close to her age and isn't a stuck up jock, like most teenage boys are, but rather caring, a genius and respects their privacy since he hasn't asked once about who they could be or where they live, which she was eternally grateful for.


Peter, after waiting for his adoptive mother and father to go to sleep, went swinging aroung Queen's stopping petty thievery and muggings when he saw a gang stepping inside a warehouse. Nothing suspecious at all right? Exept for the face that the all held 9mm pistol, either in their holder or hands. for normal people these guns wouldn't be seen, but thanks to his enhanced sences he could see them clearly. Following them quietly, as to not alert them of his precense, he stuck to the darkest corner of the warehouse as to not be seen from any angle.

"Where are they?" one of the gang members asked, his voice gruff and sounder like in his mid-thirties, meaning he was too young to controll such a bloodthirsty gang, but old enough to be second-in-command, which the fear in the other members eyes told him that his theory was correct."Don't worry, he'll be here."this voice belonged to someone in the back of the group, which hold more confidence and leadership. By the way the other gang members eyes widened, he's got to be the leader, though the second-in-command didn't seem afraid at all. 

At that exact time, the doors opposite of the gang opened, at which five people stepped in. Two people were at the front and back, while the other was in the middle. The middle one was bound by a rope at his feet and hands and had a gag inside his mouth, though small whimpers escaped. "Sorry we're late boss but this one kept trying to escape."one of the front said, jabbing a finger at the prisiner."The important thing is that you have him."the leader said. By now he was in the front of the group, looking the prisoner up and down in disgust. He nodded at the four guards and they went behind him, mixing with the other gang members."Goodevening, Sir."  though it sounded more like an insult than actual respect." Now you know why your here for, right?" the prisoner nodded frantically. Spider-man looked closer at the man and, with a shock he relized that the gang had kidnapped the acting president of Queens, Richard Brown John M. Ryan. Peter knew why they had kidnapped him. Last week the president ordered a special task force to help catch all the gang members. The task force succeeded in catching nearly half of this gangs members and now they were out for vengence and blood. 

Spider-man crept behind the furthest gang member from the group, and knocked him out from a skill he had learned from his time in the martial arts studio, and since he mastered every combination of fighting in just one month it was pretty easy repeating this process multiple times till only the second-in-command, three gang members and the leader were left. The president had seen him but schooled his features so that he wouldn't give away his position. Now the three gang members realized what was happening and alerted the second-in command. The four gang members turned on him and started spraying him with bullets, but thanks to his speed he doged nearly every bullet, but he wasn't a speedster like Quicksilver, so three bullets penetrated his skin, but he didn't take notice. He kept focus on his goal, saving the president. He could hear his AI warning him about his condition and vitals but he ignored them focusing on his goal. As he knocked down the last one, throwing him into the pile of the unconscious gang members, he turned to the leader, who already had a gun to Spider-man's head, smiling cockyly, thinking that he won but Spider-man shot a web at the gun pulling it, hard making the leader loose his grip and his balance. He quickly webbed the man to the wall and went to help the president out of his ropes."Thank you, Spider-man."the president said, grateful for this vigilanty. Spider-man only nodded in acknowledgement, told Karen to call the cops and started swinging away. 

As soon as he hit the floor of his bedroom, a wave of pain hit him from all of the gunshot wounds.Thank God Mr and Mrs Moore were sleeping deeply. He couldn't breath, taking off his mask, throwing it carlessly trying to get as much air as possible in his lungs, completly forgetting that Karen could help him with the wounds. As he calmed his breathing, he slid down the wall, on the floor knees to his chest and head in his hands. He couldn't reach his mask and he was going to bleed out if he didn't do something fast. He found his phone on his bed, which was closer to him than the mask, but his vission was starting to blur, but he kept focusing. He knew that it would take some time to search on Chrome so he did the next possible thing, he texted his anonymous friends.

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