"Are you that excited to spend a day with me that you're blushing?" Karina asked giggling, Winter turned to her blushing harder seeing the small smirk on the girls lips.

"I'm n-not blushing it's...it's because it's cold out here," The girl with the name like the season they were in stuttered out only making the girl beside her giggle before hugging her by the side.

"Okay so where do you wanna go Ian? It's your birthday so you decide," The racer said looking down at the little boy who put a finger onto his chin as he thinks, a habit that he got from his mother.

A few moments of silence came as they all watch the little boy think of the place that he wanted to go to. You must be thinking what's taking him long in choosing a place to go to, well for a kid that doesn't get a chance to always go out it's really hard for him to choose a place to go to. His mother is always busy that he only gets to go to places when his grandparents would visit him or when his mothers friends would come and play with him.

"I..I don't know where to go," He answered looking up to the racer who gave him a smile the ruffled his hair.

"Then let's go to the amusement park, have you been there?" Chaeyoung asked, but the kid shook his head no.

"Then to the amusement park we go! Let's go!" He exclaimed before a laugh escaped his lips seeing the boy jump around while clapping his hands.

"Let's all just ride my car noona, would that be okay?" He asked turning to Sana who gave a smile and a nod before holding onto Ian's hand following Chaeyoung who was leading them to where his car was, while Winter and Karina walked beside her, Karina was still teasing the younger girl for blushing.

"You know it would be no wonder when one day both of you would be in a relationship together, that is if Winter here would be brave enough to confess by then," Sana said looking down to the two, Karina giggled again nodding her head agreeing with her, while Winter? She's another blushing mess.

Once the kids were settled at the back and Sana at the shot gun seat, Chaeyoung started the car engine and drove off to where they would Ian's birthday at.

The one hour drive from the kids school to the amusement park wasn't as quiet as Sana thought it would considering that after four years this was the first time she's been with Chaeyoung again, but it turned out to be the opposite of what she thought because of Winter and Ian's hyper-ness making the whole car ride noisy and full of laughter, sometimes Karina would butt in the corny jokes that Winter throws, sometimes Chaeyoung too would join singing whenever Winter would ask him to sing. It was fun. The whole ride. And Sana's hoping that the whole day would be too.

"Okay kids stay by our side okay? Don't run off because you might get lost," Sana reminded the kids as they got off the car, but those words were useless when the three ran away from her and approached a mascot that was standing by the big fountain.

"I just told them not to run off," She said shaking her head and heard a chuckle from beside her, she turned and saw Chaeyoung with hands inside his pockets as he looks at the kids.

"They're kids noona, what do you expect?" He said as he started to walk away from her and followed the kids, leaving Sana standing there dumbfounded.

"This is like taking care of four children at once," She said with a small smile appearing on her lips as she followed the four who were now running off somewhere as they figure out where to go first.

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