Welcome & Author's Note

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Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by and giving my book a chance. If you like humour, fabulous friendships, gentle and kind men, and/or arranged marriage romances, I think you might like this story! Please feel free to leave comments as you go and let me know what you're thinking.

Please note: The first five chapters will be posted every weekday next week (Sept 13-17). Then, this story will be updated at least every Friday until it is complete. If you want to be notified of those updates please be sure to add this story to your library and / or follow me at authorelizasolares !

~ * ~ Summary ~ * ~

Since Aubrey James could crawl, she has wanted to decide things for herself. So when an archaic law allows her parents to choose who she will marry, she vows to find a way out of it at any cost. While complying with the legal requirement to move into a new home with her husband, Christopher, Aubrey continues to search for a way to dissolve their marriage.

Going through the motions of married life, Aubrey starts to settle into a routine with her admittedly quite handsome husband, Christopher. And the more she learns about him, the more she likes him. But by the time she realizes how she feels about him, it may be too late to keep their marriage from unravelling.

~* ~ Author's Note ~ * ~

If you have been here for a while, you might recognize the bones of Aubrey and Chris's story from a little novella I wrote over a year and a half ago called Match Made. This story is not that story, but they share many similarities (including their opening). 

In short, when I went to expand the novella into a novel, I found myself changing too much to really call it the same story. I am still somewhat attached to the original story, but I also love this novel, so I've decided to put them both on my profile under different names and I'm including this author's note to hopefully not confuse anyone.

Thanks for sticking with me and I do hope you will enjoy this revised novel version of Aubrey and Chris's story and fall in love with their cuteness as much as I have.

Don't forget to follow or add the book to your library to get updates. (Or just come back on Monday. There will be a chapter here waiting for you).

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