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"Figlio?" Massimo said again.

Alberto's heart began beating at a million miles an hour, "uhh-" he thought of any possible way to avoid this, "what does gay mean?" He asked, attempting to buy himself some time.

"Alberto, I'm sure you know what that means," Massimo responded, setting down the net in his hand.

Alberto looked into the murkier-than-normal water and debated whether he should dive in.

"I guess I should rephrase," Massimo corrected himself, "so you like Luca? As more than friends?"

"Uhh-" Alberto stepped closer to the rim of the boat, his cheeks heating up. Massimo took another deep breath, but Alberto dove into the water before he could continue.

"Alberto! Wait!" Massimo looked over the side of the boat, but Alberto was long gone, "I just wanted to say I still loved you," he took off his hat and set it on his chest, looking down sorrowfully.

Meanwhile, Alberto was swimming back to his island as fast as he could, afraid that a harpoon may come out of nowhere and end his life. He kept swimming and rammed into one of the cliff walls, giving Alberto a bloody nose.

He walked out of the water, still holding onto his nose, and shook the water off of his body. He sat down and began to cry, all of his hope for a new family vanishing to the back of his mind.

Why did this always happen? Whenever he really got to love someone, they would leave him behind. First, his father, who left him because of- he didn't even know why. Then, Luca abandoned him to go to some stupid school. Then, finally, Massimo abandoned him because of his sexuality.

Alberto remembered the last day he saw his father, the stars had been so pretty. He was watching them with his father, who was holding one of the many green bottles they had collected over the years. His father, Bruno, was yammering on about something, Alberto wasn't listening half the time, just watching the stars. Bruno suddenly started yelling at young Alberto, who was only seven at the time. Finally, Bruno had broken the bottle a little too close to Alberto and stormed off, saying something along the lines of "You can take care of yourself anyway! That's what she would've wanted!"

Alberto choked up at the memory. He hated that man with all of his existence who would leave a child alone? On an island? Surrounded by bloodthirsty fishermen? Alberto sniffed and began climbing up the side of his tower, his bloody nose dried up.

He walked in front of the markings on the wall and punched them with all of his might. He wanted to erase all evidence of his father being there, of anyone else on the planet existing.

A poster fell to his feet and unraveled, revealing the blueprints Luca had made to figure out how steering worked on their Vespa.

Alberto sniffed again and wiped his eye, remembering all the memories he had with Luca.

Alberto sniffed again and walked upstairs into the brightening sunlight. He sat down near the center of the platform, looking out on Portorosso. He wished Luca were there, then they could finally run away and have the life they always wanted, together.

But that wouldn't happen.

Alberto knew Luca was in Genova, at school, miles away, where Alberto could never reach him.

Unless he swam.

There had to be some body of water near Genova, Alberto could swim there! To Luca!

Alberto stood up and began walking back towards the ladder, towards the water, towards Luca.

He began to jump down the stairs when, suddenly, a boat pulled up to the shore. Alberto gasped and dove behind the wall, panting with worry. He peeked over the wall to see who would hop out of it.

He looked closer, only to see that it was- Massimo? He wasn't wearing his hat, and he looked rather sad in his posture. Massimo looked around the small, scenic island.

Should I approach him? Alberto wondered, walking down the stairs to the lower level. Massimo was unarmed, it would be safe.

Alberto climbed out the back window where Massimo couldn't see and began to walk towards the boat, his heart beating faster with every step he took.

"Alberto?" Massimo said aloud, searching the island.

Alberto walked up behind him, "Papá?"

"Alberto," Massimo trudged forward and wrapped his arm around Alberto, "I still love you. You know that, right?"

Alberto sniffed again and smiled, "thanks, dad," he said, then buried his face in Massimo's chest.

"And dad," Alberto continued, taking a step back, "Yes, I am gay, and I do like Luca," he blurted out quickly.



Yes, I'm aware this was shorter than normal. And yes, I will try my hardest to make up for not writing yesterday.

And if you find any typos, please tell me so I can fix it! Thank you!

Can I Hold You Now? ~Luberto~Where stories live. Discover now