Chapter 11: Prisoner

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Loki walked down the palace steps, passing chamber maids and servants. He adjusted his suit, why did he feel nervous?

Was this mere midgardian really making him act this way?

It had been weeks since New York and she had refused to see him. Surprisingly enough she lasted 7 days without eating before she cracked.

Every time he would walk into her room she would break things and attack Loki. He rather liked the physical contact but he missed touching her.

Her soft supple lips on his body and the way he would claim her body over and over.


Loki gave himself a mental shake as he knocked on the heavy oak door.

"Fuck off, Loki." Loki smiled as he opened the door to step in. He had enchanted the door so she wouldn't be able to leave the room without him.

"Come out, pet. How long are you going to play this tedious game?"

Loki whipped around just in time to catch the chair that Diana was going to smash on his head. He snatched the chair and threw it against the wall.

Diana then stepped forward, and round house kicked him right in the mouth.

Loki touched his mouth; the corner began to bleed. He licked his mouth as he smiled at Diana; her face was burning with anger as she ran for him.

Loki grabbed Diana by the collar, flipping her over as she landed with a thud on the hardwood floor.

Diana kicked Loki as he fell onto the floor. She didn't hesitate to climb on top of him and hit him in the chest.

Loki rolled over and easily pinned Diana's arms to her sides.

"Stop it!" Loki shouted. Diana stopped squirming as her chest was heaving with her heavy breathing.

"Get off of me, Loki."

"Don't hit me," Loki stood up slowly as he stretched his hand out to help Diana, but she slapped his hand away.

She stood up and walked away from him, pushing her fingers through her hair as she glared at him.


"What Loki?! What could you possibly say to me?! You took me from my home! My job! My lively hood!"

"And Stark?"

"OH my God, you men and your jealousy! Stark is my ex-husband! And nothing more!"

"You think I'm jealous of that man? I am a God!"

"Yeah blah blah blah, I am God I am king of Asgard. It's the same thing every day with you, Loki!"

"Do not mock me!"

"Or what Loki!? What else could you possibly do to me?!"

"Why can't you see I am not doing this to you but for you?"

"OH MY God, you are a narcissist ." Diana turned to walk away, but Loki grabbed her hand, whipping her body around till she was facing him. This was the closest they had gotten since the last time they were intimate in New York.

Loki stared down at her as she looked up at him with her brown eyes. He had almost forgotten how much he missed the touch of her soft ivory skin and the way she smelled.

"You probably don't see it now, but they didn't deserve you, Diana. They haven't even come looking for you."

"You're hiding me in a castle in the middle of nowhere!"

"They have only been looking for me, Diana! They haven't even tried to look for you. " Diana was taken aback by Loki's words as they sunk in. He saw her eyes turn glassy as she looked away, but he managed to see a single tear go down her eyes.

Loki rubbed her tear away as she looked up at him, speechless.

"Get out of my room, Loki."

"Diana... "

"I don't want to see your face for the rest of the time that I am here."

Loki was left speechless; he didn't know what to say.


"Get out!"

Sorry guys it's a short chapter but the next one will be better and spicier 😉 please be sure to vote for my story and leave comments.

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