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Okay so this story just kinda jumped in my head while at work and I figured I'd have some fun with it.

That being said do not expect the individual time lines to be upheld from the source material.

By the way the characters are not mine.

You're shocked I know. You all have never read Percy Jackson or Harry Potter or watched any TV ever and you thought they were all my brain children. Sorry to disappoint.

Anyway all credit for initial character development goes to the amazing authors who thunk 'em up. All that copyright hoopla Yada Yada Yada...


I'm gonna keep some people alive who should be dead and maybe kill some people off who should be alive haven't decided yet. Anyway don't bother complaining that so and so should be dead. I KNOW! Just go with it.

That will be the theme of this story. Just go with it.

I'm doing this for fun so roll with it or roll out! Magic button on the upper left will take you far far away from my story. You don't have to read it.

Okay I've rambled enough so now if you still want to have some fun with me keep reading!

Author out!

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