~ A Vile Sultan ~

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~-=+=- Based on the original Disney cartoon; 1992 -=+=-~

Aizawa stepped up onto the balcony and looked down at the crowd. Practically the entire kingdom of Agrabah had gathered in front of the palace, courtesy of the royal announcement that the princess had finally found a suitor. He held up his hand and the chatter of the people stopped.

"People of Agrabah," he said clearly. "My daughter has finally chosen a suitor!" The crowd erupted into cheers, everyone excited that the next Sultan of the kingdom had been chosen.

Meanwhile, behind the curtain of the balcony stood (Y/n), looking nervously outside at the crowd of people. Katsuki had disappeared and he wasn't in the garden room when she went to check on him. She could only hope he would be making a surprise entrance like he did with his parade. There was no way he would leave her, right?

As if on cue, Katsuki appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "(Y/n)?" The princess turned around, the worried look on her face dissolving into a smile as she ran down to him.

"Katsuki," she breathed, pulling him into a hug - which he reluctantly accepted. "Where have you been?"

The prince had a sinking feeling in his stomach. This was as good a time as any to tell her the truth: that he wasn't really a prince. And yet, he was pretty sure he was going to throw up if he did. "T-there's something I've got to tell you," he cursed himself for stuttering.

"The whole kingdom has showed up for father's announcement," (Y/n) laughed, completely ignoring what Katsuki had said. "Isn't that wonderful? Oh, I'm so excited!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him quickly up the stairs, not listening to his sounds of protest.

"Wait, (Y/n)," he started. "Listen to me, please." She ignored him and shoved him in front of the curtain, next to her father on the balcony, where the crowd began to chant his name. He gulped.

A few floors above them, watching from the window, was Shouto and Izuku. He was disgusted at the amount of people who had showed up to see Katsuki. That could have been him if only that street rat hadn't broken the Sultan out of the hypnosis. "Look at them," Izuku dug his claws deep into Shouto's shoulder. "Cheering on that meaningless kid."

Shouto grinned, turning away from the window. "Let them grin." He pulled the lamp out of his pocket and rubbed the side of it. The same golden smoke as before came out of the top and Denki appeared in front of him, stretching his arms into the air.

"You know, Katsuki, I'm getting really--," he paused and did a double take. "Wait, I don't think you're him. Tonight, the role of Katuski will be played by a tall, dark, and sinister ugly man." The vizier grabbed the genie's face and shoved it to the ground, stepping harshly on his back.

"I am your master now!" Shouto yelled.

Denki groaned through the pain. "Yeah, I was afraid of that."

"Genie," Shouto growled, clenching his fists at his side. "Grant me my first wish. I wish to rule on high, as Sultan!" Outside, dark clouds began to circle around the palace. The roof and floors above Katsuki, Aizawa, and (Y/n) were ripped off and flung off into the distance.

"What's happening?" The princess yelled over the wind, grabbing onto the railing for support. Now, instead of the balcony being outside of the room, the whole area was more of a flat ground.

Suddenly, Aizawa began to float in the air, and his fanciful outfit was ripped off by an invisible force, leaving him in what was practically rags. He fell back to the ground and both Katuski and (Y/n) went over to check on him. Then, before them, came Shouto, now wearing the Sultan's clothes, a fixed cobra staff in his hand. He began to laugh, watching the three tremble before his new power.

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