I could've helped her!

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Midoriya's POV

"She's really, really light," I told Todoroki. I was expecting to have to use my quirk to carry her. I could barely carry Mineta without my quirk. Todoroki scanned Y/N's body and didn't find anything wrong with her. yet.

"Do you think that this has anything to do with us?" I asked. Todoroki's heterochromatic eyes looked towards me. "I don't think so," he said. "I don't remember anything we've done that would make her act like this." "I don't really mean specifically us, but what about the others, or the things that have been happening in the past year?" I said. "Like what?" asked Todoroki. I began looking back on anything that could've caused Y/N to act so down. "Well she wasn't here when the USJ attack happened, or the training camp incident. She was enrolled in our class after that. So what could have happened?" I asked. Todoroki went deep into thought. "Maybe it didn't happen in class," he spoke up. "What?" I asked. "Think about it. No villain attacks or students have made an impact on her. The only other disaster that happened was the Shie Hassaikai Raid, which she wasn't a part of. So the only other option is something that happened out of school," he explained. That is accurate. Lots of people struggle with issues that don't involve school, and Todoroki is a good example. Hopefully, she will tell us when she wakes up.

After walking through the empty hallway and down the stairs, we made it to the infirmary. Y/N was still unconscious. My hands were full, so Todoroki knocked on the door. Recovery Girl opened the door, caught a glimpse of my hair, and immediately thought I hurt myself. "I swear, Midoriya. What did you do this time?" she asked. Did she really not see the unconscious, limp girl in my arms? "Um, I didn't do anything. It's Y/N," I said and handed her to Recovery Girl. She looked over her and picked up her wrist. "Oh dear," said Recovery Girl. "What? What is it?" asked Todoroki with worry in his voice. "She has a very faint pulse, and her wrist...," said Recovery Girl. The way she spoke built up suspense within me. "W-what about her wrist?" I asked. Recovery Girl lifted her hand and motioned for me to hold her wrist. I took her wrist and it felt very rough. It looked like there was no meat on her bones. "Lay her down on the bed," said Recovery girl.

Todoroki's POV

"Lay her down on the bed," said Recovery girl. Midoriya took Y/N and gently laid her down on the closest bed. Recovery girl walked to her side and felt her knees and ankles. "What is she doing?" I whispered to Midoriya "I don't know, but it's worrying me," he whispered back. She paused for a moment and then she removed Y/N's blazer, and lifted up her shirt. My eyes widened. I will never forget what I saw. Her body was...well nothing. You could see her rib cage. I never noticed how much her cheekbones popped until now, and her arms had so many scars on them, new and old, that couldn't have been caused by training. They were too neat and organized. Midoriya gasped in fear and shock and his fingers were shaking. He put his hand over his mouth and ran to the trash can. I couldn't believe it. I should've known. From the moment her actions changed, I should've been able to tell. I know from experience. I could hear Midoriya's retching and coughing from the back just faintly. My hearing was all fuzzy and I couldn't move, not even blink, my sweat was drenching my clothes, and my head was spinning. "Todoroki?" asked Recovery Girl. I could barely respond. "Can you hear me?" I tried nodding my head. "Alright. Try to take deep breaths for me, okay?" I nodded again. I realized hadn't been breathing either because when I inhaled, I almost choked. "Slowly," Recovery Girl said. I tried the breathing technique I used while helping Y/N during her first panic attack. In four, hold four, out six. In four, hold four, out six. I repeated these steps until I was able to move again.

Midoriya finished emptying his stomach after I calmed down, and he walked towards me. He didn't look good. "I'm sorry. It's just...seeing her like this, nauseates me. I didn't know she felt like this, and-- Todoroki?" Midoriya asked. "Are you crying?" I wiped my cheek and my cheek dampened with tears. I didn't realize I was crying. My legs felt like rubber as they shook and lost balance. I fell on my knees, and Midoriya knelt down beside me. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" he asked. How can he ask me that? "This is my fault!" I yelled. Midoriya jumped in fear. However, he was still listening. "I should've known! I could've helped her! I was just too oblivious and careless to realize. I know how it is, I know how she's feeling now, but I should've known before!" Small sobs left me as I was crying on my knees. How pathetic.

Midoriya was now tearing up himself as he listened to me. He placed his hand on my back and started gently moving his hand in circles on my back. He shushed me very sweetly. "I know. I feel just as guilty. I really, really wanted to help her, but I was helpless. I couldn't figure it out until now, and I will forever hate myself for that. So let's promise each other something," he said. I looked up into his emerald green orbs with my swollen face. "Let's try to be better and make sure she overcomes this. We'll eat with her, we'll walk with her, even sleep with her if we have to to make sure she's taking care of herself, alright?" he asked. I questioned myself if I could do it, but I had to make up for my carelessness. She could've died because of me. I nodded in agreement. Midoriya cupped my face and wiped away my tears, along with tracing my scar with his thumb. "We can do this," he reassured. And with that, we heard mumbling beside us.

I've got you. (Deku and Todoroki x depressed reader)Where stories live. Discover now