'Fine..but we need to go now.'

Fine by me.

I turn and nudge Ana, who has been super quiet the whole time.
But did successfully kill the rogue she was fighting.

I don't know if it's because Ana has become my friend recently or because I have become Luna of this pack, but a strong feeling of pride washes over me for her in that moment.

Jake's wolf Luca turns too but stops suddenly.
I turn my head quickly to see him looking at Gerty, who's lifeless body still lays cold on the ground.

A pang of sadness flows through me and I make a mental note that I have to tell Jake about the new information that she was our Grandmother.

Jake's wolf's face spins my way, like he can feel my sadness.
Luca comes to stand next to me, leaning slightly on Mara and licks her face giving us the support we so needed at that moment.

'Come on, we need to go.' Jake whispers gently through our link. 'We have no idea how long or why they're not attacking us right now.'

As I look up at my brother I nod my head telling him I understand.

I look at Ana again 'Stick close to us, okay?'

'Okay Luna.' Hearing Ana's delicate voice in my head.

One last look at the woods and seeing the rogues are still waiting in the darkness is the only reason I need to get out of here.

All three of us turn on our paws and run in the opposite direction.

'Heighten your senses both of you. We don't need anymore surprises tonight.' Jake murmurs through our minds. 'We need to find a safe place.'

Both Ana and I both nod as we keep running.

I have no idea where to go until I remember my secret place deep within the woods.

Well maybe not so secret as Ana found it, but I'm sure no rogue would find it amongst all the trees.

'Jake I know where to go. Follow me.'

We run even faster and they both keep up really well with Mara.

Luca stays slightly behind following like I told him, even though I know that it's to keep a watch out behind us just in case we're attacked again.

Ana's wolf is a bit slower, though not by much.
She easily jumps over the fallen trees and I'm amazed at how she does it so effortlessly.

Suddenly I hear loud growling noises coming from the right of us.
My senses pick up a notch as I hear paws pounding the hard ground.

Another growl floats through the air.

This one is more powerful and alot closer.

For one second I think it's Nic.

But how wrong could I be.

A gigantic wolf tumbles out of the woods.
He doesn't just sound powerful but he also looks it.

The wolf lands in front of us with an incredibly loud thud.
His paws spread out on the ground and I would say they are as big as a dinner plate.

Okay, maybe not quite that big, but big enough to kill us easily.

His fur looks like the colour of coal but it isn't until he moves in the moonlight that I can see that it is actually a really dark colour of brown.

I am rooted to the spot and as I look around so are Jake and Ana.

It takes a couple more seconds to see the bewildered look in Jake's eyes turn to that of anger.

The bright lavender rapidly changes to deep purple as he takes a step forward so he is slightly in front of both me and Ana.

I know he's trying to protect us but I am seriously worried that even if all three of us attacked this rogue he would still win without much effort put into it.

Anyway we have to try.

I slowly move to the right of Jake and Ana moves to the left.
We have a defence line in place now and we all know that this is going to be a fight to the death.

But who's death?

Hopefully not ours.

Then out of the blue a strange voice comes through my mind.

I've not heard this voice before and I know without a doubt that it's definitely not one of our pack members.

I look dumbfounded at the gigantic wolf in front of us as his eyes scan over Jake and myself and my blood runs cold.


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