chapter 1 an spirits request and an new ally

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the spirits tell him

jason:soo an "other" attack was the cause? what is an other?

the spirits reply

jason:soo are beast who fell from the sky from..the extecion belt right?

the spirits reply

jason:say is any place you mild know i can go

some spirits reply

jason:i see..i sorry for what happen to all you..i hope you can get peace an the afterlife

the spirits reply

jason:thanks for answer me i hope you have an better life

the orbs dissapear as the aura dissapear as well as jason stand up


yoruka:you okay?

jason:many people die because theses monster...just like mom with her family and village

jason feel an hug to see yoruka an her human form

yoruka:i know is hard but remeber what you parents say..keep move foward and never look back

jason:*smile*i know thanks for the help

yoruka:no problem.well we better go

jason:yeah and..

he see something


yoruka turn an the same direction

yoruka:what is it

jason:i see something and i sense an spiritual energy

yoruka:better take caution

jason nod as yoruka turn into aramasa as jason start to walk

he arrive to the alley as he look down to see an blood trail

jason:that can't be good

jason follow the blood trail witch lead to an door

jason:i feel like an horror movie vibe

yoruka:{want me to check?}

jason nod as yoruka turn into an dragon and look under the door

yoruka:no others..but i see an dead bodie

jason:all right

jason oepn the door and he was hit by an nasty smell

jason:i know the smell

he look inside and see an dead bodie without the head

jason:god...the spirits tell me others eat human brains

yoruka:looks like they don't care if is inside o not they eat the full head

jason:yeah ..i feel an spirit..must be the person who was

yoruka:you will talk to him


jason put his heads together as he was cover an white aura and dark orb appear

orb:w who are you!?

jason:relax i not gonnad hurt you


jason:look you know you are death right?

orb:y..yeah i know

jason:how you die?

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