Vice President

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Saturday 15:42

Jason had been up and early since 6 AM, he was quite tired from all the errand he had to run as the vice president of the student council. The current president of the council, Melvin, had already done his job and all that was left was for Jason at the moment was to deliver some papers to the teacher's office. Despite Melvin's lazy personality, Jason truly admired him for his achievements. Melvin has scored the highest score in the grade during the final tests, it was a shame he had 1 less point due to a miscalculation. Jason intended on delivering the papers, as well as asking the teachers about Melvin's score. 

As Jason walked towards the teachers office, he heard the teachers whispering. "The new student is coming this Monday right?" A teacher said. "Yeah, I heard he's a delinquent, and that he has beaten up guys twice his size" Another one continued. "Stop." A voice boomed into the conversation. It was the principal, Sir Asher Daniel. He was a middle aged man yet looked quite young for his age. "We're not supposed to gossip about our students... and future students. It is quite unprofessional considering the fact we're educators." Asher said. The two teachers looked at each other then broke apart. Then Jason opened the door and walked in. 

"Hello Sir," Jason said with a neutral look, "Here are the papers with the information regrading the school's "Welcome Back From Summer Break" event". "Thank you Jason" Asher said as he took the papers and started walking away. "Wait Sir-" Jason exclaimed. "Yes? What it is it?" Asher said in response. "I wanted to consult you about student council president Melvin's final test results?" Jason said. "Ah yes, Melvin, the student that got almost all the final test scores correct, why do you ask about his scores?" Asher asked with a curious tone. "Well I believe there was a mistake in the calculation of his points." Jason said. Asher looked a bit offended somehow, he was quite confident in the abilities of the people he hired, even if sometimes they didn't have the best personalities. "Oh? What makes you so sure?" Asher asked. [Bla bla bla bla Jason explains and bla bla bla] "Oh. That indeed may be a miscalculation, I'll have to look into it later..." Asher mumbled. "Thank you Sir!" Jason said excitedly. He was happy that he was able to do something for the person he admired. 

Later at home : Saturday 16:07

It didn't take a while for Jason to get home, after all he only lived about 10 minutes away. Jason couldn't wait to just sit home in his bean bag and play games in his room all day ; yes not a very fitting activity for the vice president of the student council, but gaming was something Jason enjoyed with all his heart, he even considered doing it to make money, his parents opposed it strongly though. After arriving he opened the door and the first thing he saw was his younger brother playing a nintendo switch on the floor. "Get off the floor" he said, "You'll catch a cold or something." Immediately his little brother came running towards him and hugged him. "Welcome home Koko Jason!!" Jason had a smile on his face as his brother greeted him. 

Jason x Dylan fanfic || Dylson ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ