the worst in me for the best of you

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A/N: this ones a little less generic than the other ones, but i hope u enjoy nonetheless. also an apology for the lack of new content, i just started school so i have less free time now, but i will try to keep up!

With slow and gentle movements, I dragged my comb through my hair, trying my best to avoid tugging too hard on any knots.

The worst thing about going to the gym was how knotted my hair got after. It was nearly impossible to detangle and hurt like a bitch.

In the back of my mind I noticed the incessant buzzing coming from my phone that I had placed on my dresser, but I ignored it.

I continued to brush through my hair, tugging out knots and soothing the pain by massaging my scalp.

The buzzing continued as I walked up to the bathroom and set down my brush on the sink.

"Holy shit." I mumbled, walking over to where I had placed my phone, which continued to buzz without end.

I picked it up and noticed that I had almost 12 missed calls from Billie.

I quickly unlocked my phone and went straight to my contacts, clicking her name and putting the phone up to my ear.

She answered before the first ring fully went through.

"Y/n, oh my god finally, finally-" she stammered, her voice cracking and breaking on each word.

"Billie? What's wrong?" I quivered, taking a seat on my bed and watching my leg shake up and down anxiously. I tried to settle it with my hand but that only seemed to make it worse.

"You need to come here. You need- I can't..." she choked.

"What do you mean? Why?" I asked.

"I did something really bad. I need you-"

I got up from the bed and ran over to the door where I kept my keys. I began to slip on my shoes while fumbling around the front bowl to try and find the right key set.

"I'm coming, okay? You just stay where you are."

"I can't, I can't. What did I do?" I could hear her whispering to herself on the other side of the phone.

"I'm coming Billie. You just stay put."

"Okay. Okay, yeah." She whispered again, her voice nearly gone.

I pushed through the door and stumbled down my driveway and into my car. I slammed the keys into the ignition and swerved out of my parking spot, my heart beating at the speed of light.

I sped up towards the end of the street, slamming my brakes once I had realized that the light had switched to red.

"Jesus, what was that? You need to drive carefully, I can't lose another- oh god." Billie advised shakily.

"Okay, okay. I'll be careful. Just stay on the phone until I'm there."

It felt like I had been in the car for days. Every light seemed to take so much longer to turn green and 70mph felt like 20.

everything i wanted | billie eilishDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora