4: you like this position

Start from the beginning

I gasp loudly, "Are you crazy!" I yell grabbing his bicep and moving them down out of sight. 

"What the hell dude" Pope yells equally as worried as John B who shakes his head and Kie who simply looks at the boy in disbelief. 

"Why would you take that from a crime scene?" John B asks a little on the aggressive side, but I guess we all know that JJ usually doesn't think twice when he's come up with an idea. 

"Better than the cops having it bro" he explains his 'logic' to the group. 

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship" Pope freaks out but JJ just puts his hand on his shoulder and brings his finger to his lips.

"Sh, sh, sh, sh".

"At least you have us" I laugh trying to help ease his nerves. I place my hand on his shoulder giving him a supportive squeeze, telling him I'm there for him. 

"I'm living the nightmare" Pope groans sitting down on the back of the boat with his head in his hands. 

"Look what you've done" I look at JJ trying my hardest not to laugh at Pope's dramatics. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

Once back from the motel we found ourselves relaxing by the docks with some other pogues. I watched intently whilst the police pull a dead body from the water. 

My eyes are glued to the scene in front of me. I stare at the man's partner sobbing over his dead body, the scene hits too close to home. I'm reminded that I was once that girl instead I was cradling my mother's unconscious body in my arms. 

"That's Scooter Grubs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got" a young girl shoves her phone in my before I have the chance to look away. 

I quickly jump down from my seat in pure horror as I bolt before anyone has the chance to question me. 

That was a photo no one should see. 

I stop running and lean against the wall of a random shack in an attempt to catch her breath. Amidst my freaking out I failed to realize the tears streaming down my face. I feel my throat close up and my surroundings begin to blur. 

I slide down the wall digging my nails into my palm feeling like I was suffocating. 

Shocking me I feel two hands being placed on my shoulders. Kie rubs my back soothingly trying to calm me down as JJ goes around to face me taking my hands in his own. 

Without a second thought, he throws his arms around my body cradling me close to his chest. He whispers comforting words whilst he strokes my hair.

"It's gonna be okay" he whispers. 

I'm immensely grateful I have friends who have proved time and time again how much they truly care for me. With a so-called 'family' like mine, friends are the most important thing to me without a shred of doubt.

I lean my head further into JJ's body as his words and general presence is doing a good job of calming me down.

"I um- thanks guys" I stutter out pulling away from JJ's warm embrace, I quickly try to hide all evidence I was ever crying by hastily wiping under my eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" JJ softly asks me and my heart soars at the way he's so delicate with me sometimes. 

"Uh yep I'll be fine...thank you" I turn my head towards Kie and smile appreciatively. Kie wraps her arms tightly around me. 

"I'm always here for you Ind, I love you" she whispers into my hair as we hug. 

"I love you, both of you guys" I send them both a sad smile but overall feel better than I previously did thanks to them. JJ grabs ahold of my hand and strokes it gently as we walk to meet up with the others currently residing in the van. 

Once I assure everyone I'm okay not once but four times we make our way back to the chateau. 

Most of the island knows about my mother, Melinda Moore's tragic death. She was always known as a sweet and lovely woman who'd never hurt a fly, and they were absolutely right. My mother was simply the greatest person I've ever known to exist. You simply couldn't mutter a bad word about her. 

Kie, John B, Pope, and JJ had been by my side after the car accident as I was healing from multiple broken bones and a heavy concussion. But when I learned I'd never see my mother again I was inconsolable. 

I went into shock after being broken the news by doctors after waking up from a coma. I stopped eating, stopped sleeping, and I briefly stopped talking to people altogether. But what broke my heart, even more, was that my father didn't even have the guts to face me - his own daughter. 

Billy Moore, my asshole of a father didn't even visit me once in hospital. However after I was discharged he slowly came around to the news and he put in minimal effort - but at least he was trying. 

He put food on the table, tried to fix his appearance, he tried to have a conversation with me who was only 14 at the time. 

But on one random Tuesday 6 months later, he stopped trying altogether. 

I had to go through the grief alone, my father was there but he was never present. Any mention of my mother's name would make him spiral and disappear for days sometimes weeks at a time leaving me to fend for myself. 

I soon realized it was drug benders when he'd come home sometimes still high or coming down from the drugs. 

The day my mother died was the day I lost my father as well, I just didn't realize it at the time. 

But my friends were there for me through the worst tragedy of my life. They stuck by my side at the hospital, at the funeral, and pretty much every day since the incident. 

The teenagers acted more like a family than my own. They helped me with anything I needed or just simply gave me a shoulder to cry on. 

The pogues replaced my family. 

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