(Chapter 1) New Youkai?

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Y/N : Fuck what did she notice?!

Rumia : "Did you dye your hair?"

Y/N : oh shit safe... "O-Oh yes i dyed it!"

Rumia : "then its looks good! Well then gonna go bye!"

And she flew away while T-Posing.

Rumia POV

Thats weird Rinnosuke never go outside before... And he dyed his to black. Looks cool though. Still looks weird...


i was sweating i thought im gonna die. lucky me i have this Outfit. now after that i continue walking thorough the Human village.

(Timeskip) (Time Check 5:32 Pm Thursday)

i've been walking for an minutes now. i never thought this road its longer then i expected.

Y/N : "god how long is this!?"

and i see the human village.

Y/N : "Finally the village" i walk thorough the village and of course there was a two guard guarding it...

Guard1 : "Who are you? are you Youkai or Human?"

Y/N : "Im Y/N and im a human"

Guard2 : "Then how did you survive the forest???"

Y/N : Shit i never expected he will say that "O-Oh you see..." i explain everything but they are just looking at me

Guard1 : "You are saying is you are from the outside world?"

Guard2 : "Thats kinda hard to believe"

Y/N : "Trust me. im a human and im not a guy that making a trouble. and i just need a safe place for now"

Guard1 : "We are believing you that you are a human. but we can't just let you in sorry"

Y/N : "Come on please?"

Guard2 : "Sorry but no is a no"

Y/N : "Well then alright i understand thank yo-"

??? : "Rinnosuke?"

i turn around and its Marisa.

Y/N : "Oh hey Marisa how you doing?"

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Y/N : "Oh hey Marisa how you doing?"

Marisa : "Wow i didn't expect you gonna say that Da☆ze"

Y/N : "wow i didn't expect im gonna say that too"

Marisa : "oh really?"

Y/N : "maybe..."

Marisa : "Anyways what are you doing in here? i thought you don't want to go again here ze☆"

Y/N : Shit right Rinnosuke stay away from the human village... "O-Oh im j-just here t-to visit my friend..."

Guard1 : "You just said earlier you need a shel-" i cover his mouth

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