Gentiana scabra: I love you despite the sadness

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry," Brett whispered under his breath.

Justin's eyes were still closed in pain as Brett slowly untangled himself from the hug.

"I...I will call you," Brett said shakily, running out of the room.


"Eddy-!" Brett's eyes widened in horror when he came back and saw Eddy slumped on the couch, breathing heavily. The curtains were all drawn and the house was gloomy and silent. The world was moving on without them outside while Eddy was still stuck in the dark.

Brett picked up a half-empty bottle of liquor rolling next to the couch. Pincer Shanghai, 88% alcohol.

"Eddy. Are you alright?" Brett frantically shook Eddy awake.

"...Hey," Eddy sluggishly opened his eyes.

"You idiot. You know your alcohol tolerance. What made you think you can drink this?" Brett almost shouted, holding the bottle up in frustration.

"I'm alright. I'm really alright. I just ... felt like I needed to drink," Eddy drunkenly replied, swatting Brett away.

"Don't give yourself any more drama. Things are bad as it already is - oh fuck," Brett swore as he saw Eddy suddenly sitting upright, his face pale. Brett quickly grabbed the nearest trashcan and shoved it under Eddy to prevent the mess on the floor.

"What were you thinking?" Brett sighed in exasperation. Brett grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge while Eddy gagged the clear liquid out from his system.

"Wash your mouth and drink it," Brett ordered.

Eddy obliged, downing all the water in one go. Then he fell to his side dizzily, reaching for his cellphone at the edge of the couch.

"I think she blocked my number," Eddy murmured.

"Maybe. That is... possible," Brett sat down next to Eddy, helping Eddy prop his head onto Brett's lap. Eddy snuggled into Brett's lap, sighing heavily.

"I still love her," Eddy gazed up at Brett, his eyes weary.

"It is hard moving on," Brett wiped some cold sweat off Eddy's forehead.

"How do you know?"

"I'm older," Brett shrugged his shoulder, trying to act nonchalant.

"Then tell me, how do you move on?" Eddy asked again, his eyes half-closed.

"I don't know. I'm still figuring that out myself," Brett smiled faintly down at Eddy.

Eddy stared at Brett's sad smile for a while and then reached out his arms to pull Brett's face closer to him.

"Kiss me, Brett?" Eddy whispered.

Brett froze, not knowing how to respond. Was Eddy just drunk-talking? Was it just a game that he's playing? What on earth is Eddy thinking?

"...why?" Brett asked, his voice tinged with fear.

"I need someone tonight. Just like I needed someone to practice kissing," Eddy sat up a little, his face only an inch away from Brett's now.

Holy fuck.

Brett instantly stood up, almost as a reflex. Eddy rolled out from the couch and to the floor like a sack of wet potato.

"... sorry, I need a drink," Brett opened the half-empty liquor from the table with trembling hands, downing it. His stomach felt like it was burning alive as the alcohol ran down his throat. This was wrong. Eddy is drunk. He is probably not thinking through this correctly - probably not even considering that Brett is a guy at this point. Brett should just take Eddy to the bedroom and let him sleep. Why is Eddy making this so freaking difficult?

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