Things to Remember

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Hello, everyone!
This one is partially inspired by Moriko and Dexter, but not completely.


Remember when we were kids,
We knew we'd be friends forever,
Remember when we were small,
We knew we'd face the world together.

Remember our first day of school,
You grin excitedly at the new things that you tried;
Remember our last day of school,
You wiped your tears and pretend you haven't cried.

Remember our 13th birthday,
You looked so lovely in your new pink and red dress;
Remember our 18th birthday,
You looked so cute even when you weren't trying to impress.

Remember when I was afraid of failure,
You reminded me, that stars only shine in the night;
Remember when I was afraid of the dark,
You reminded me, that without darkness there'll be no light.

Remember when you had visited me in the hospital,
Your tears were like waterfalls streaming down your cheeks;
You begged me to stay, to not close my eyes,
But I could only smile softly, as I tell you, my voice very meek:

"Please, my lovely friend,
Wipe the tears from your eyes;
So that the last thing I'll remember,
Is your smile, as I bid you goodbye."

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