Yellow acacia: secret love

Start from the beginning

"What was the purpose of your research?" Brett asked, sitting next to Eddy.

Eddy sighed, rubbing his eyes in distress.

"Hannah," Eddy finally confessed, looking down at the keyboard.

"Hmm," Brett hummed back in response. Brett has been hearing all about this girl lately from Eddy.

Brett never knew the existence of this girl because Eddy met her when he briefly stayed in Sydney for two years when he was little. After that, they have been keeping in touch once in a while and they met again at the club a few weeks ago. Destiny, that was what Eddy called it. Bullshit, that was what Brett wanted to believe.

"Apparently, she has a lot of experience and... I'm kind of nervous that she would think I'm...not skillful enough...? I don't know, man. It has been a long time since I properly dated and I honestly don't even remember how to kiss anymore," Eddy tapped on the play button on the screen. The porn played again, the man now groaning as he pushed himself into the woman's body.

So that was that. The video kept ongoing and they were staring at the screen what felt like for all eternity. Brett licked his lips, shifting uncomfortably on the couch. Eddy was just sitting there focusing on the video, actually studying this as he did in a university lecture hall. Brett rolled his eyes at the absurdity of the situation, pressing the pause button.

"Ok, did she tell you anything that hurt your self-esteem?" Brett's gaze pierced right through Eddy's eyes.

"Um...she said...I use...too much teeth when I'm kissing? Maybe I bit her too strongly? I don't know," Eddy fidgeted with his fingers, blushing. "I practiced though, you know. With my hands," Eddy shyly pressed the back of his left hand onto his lips, demonstrating how he did it.

"It didn't feel bad when I practiced," Eddy tilted his head uncertainly.

"Of course, the back of your hand does not provide any constructive feedback," Brett murmured.

"Your worst nightmare has come true. I will have to practice this on you," Eddy laughed jokingly, pushing Brett down to the couch.

This was just a regular part of how they fooled around. I mean, you aren't best friends until people believe you two are gay. Ever since they were little, Eddy will pretend to kiss Brett on the cheeks on his birthday and Brett will shriek, dodging his smoochy lips around the kitchen in a circle. Brett will sneak up to Eddy naked after a shower and jump on him, scaring Eddy to death. Eddy will wrestle and press Brett to the floor, smirking down at him during a video game. Natural and harmless, playful and light. Just another friendly humor for them, but still... this was different now for Brett.

Brett's heart pounded as Eddy looked down at him teasingly. Brett gulped, feeling a cough building up in him as he tried to control his breathing. Eddy leaned down lower and lower until their breath was mingling with each other. Eddy was expecting Brett to curse and scream like he always did, resisting him with all his muscles at this point. However, Brett was silent this time, just staring at him dead in the face. Eddy stopped hesitantly, not knowing how to proceed.

"i don't mind," Brett whispered, clenching his fist to keep himself from coughing.

"...what?" Eddy whispered back, his eyes wide.

"i said, i don't mind. If you need practice," Brett mumbled, his eyelids fluttering.

"But-" Eddy gulped. This was not at all what he has been expecting. I mean, it was nice that Brett was offering ground for practice, but... is Brett serious about this?

"Just be aware that I have a very high standard and I WILL be honest about your performance."

Their eyes met in all seriousness. Brett's eyes were tense as Eddy moved in closer. His body was frozen while his heart was almost flying out of his chest.

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