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"You should move to New York with me."

The towel in my hand falls to the table, and I turn around to stare blankly at Liam. "Excuse me?"

He shrugs. "You heard me. Move to New York with me. You can still live here, obviously. Just like I do."

I sigh, rubbing my hand over my forehead. "You know I can't do that, Liam. I have too much going on here. You know I can't leave. Plus, it's too soon."

Liam mumbles something under his breath, but he doesn't say anything else. He drinks his coffee in silence, and I go back to cleaning my tables and checking to make sure my fill ups. It's an hour until the end of my shift, and surprisingly, Liam sat with me all night. Isabella had called out, and we were busy. Thankfully he was here because he helped me sweep up big messes, mopped my floor, and helped buss my tables.

When my relief gets here, I tell Luis goodbye, clocking out, and dash out the door. We walk to his car hand-in-hand, and he drives us to his studio. I promised I would help him at work today, and even agreed to take a few pictures with the girl. Before we actually get there to set up and everything, we grab a quick bite to eat since neither of us wanted food from my job. After making sure our coffee is to our liking, that's when we finally make it to the studio.

Several people greet us as we walk pass, even a wave or two in my direction, and I can't help but smile a little. I'm not too entirely sure on why, though. Liam grabs hold on my hand when we make it upstairs to his studio room, and then he pushes it right open. We both pause, however, when we see Danielle and Clarissa there. Upon hearing us, they turn in our direction. Danielle's face scrunches up into a scowl, and Clarissa just looks disappointed. A frown is etched on her lips, eyebrows furrowed together. Maybe because I lied to her and told her there was nothing going on with Liam and I, and the fact we're standing here hand-in-hand just confirms that I did lie.

"What are you doing here?" Danielle snaps at me, glaring at Liam and I's interlocked hands. "Get her out of here."

"No," Liam says, pulling me towards his desk. He sits down in his chair, and then tugs me down so I'm sitting on his lap. I can't help but give Danielle a smug look as she stares at us with heated eyes, hands balling up into fists. "Did you sign the papers?"

"What papers?" Clarissa asks, glancing between Liam and Danielle.

They both ignore her, and the room stays silent. I shift in Liam's lap, entwining my fingers together and biting the inside of my cheek. This is definitely a lot more than what I bargained for.

"I haven't because I think you're still making a mistake. Can we please talk about this, baby?"

Liam scoffs. "I think not. I think you being here is a mistake. Sign the damn papers, Danielle. I will not tell you again." He sighs, rubbing his temples.

"Your parents won't like this."

"They already know."

"Excuse me?" She leans against the wall, trying to keep herself steady. Mouth hanging open, she doesn't seem to know what to think or say. "You already told them you're divorcing me and they're okay with it?"

He nods. "Yes, and they've already met Callie." Danielle's eyes flicker to me, color draining from her face. "They like her better, you know."

She points an excusing finger at me. "You've seduced my husband and turned his parents against me? How dare you!"

"Enough!" Liam exclaims, carefully pushing me off his lap. I stand awkwardly against the desk, keeping my gaze focused on the wall. I hate that I'm in the middle of this feud, but from what I gathered, Liam has been planning on divorcing Danielle since before he even met me. I just apparently helped him grow the courage to actually do it. At least that's what he told me. "Get out of here, Danielle. I will not ask you again."

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