Chapter 1

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The eternal bliss that is the sunlight sea during early morning, a place of inner harmony and grateful comfort to you before the day ahead. You often gaze upon the rising sun with hopeful admiration as the sun shines on your face. You find this desolate waterfront to grip you endlessly into the inner longingness for someone's companionship. As you walked upon the beach you noticed something strange, on the waterfront rocks sat someone who gave off an aura of compassion but coldness in his approach, his silvery grey jagged hair exuded a sense of gentle comfort oddly. The angelic humming of tunes of old draw you closer bringing a tune to the ambiance to your morning escapism. As he acknowledges your presence you begin to feel a sense of inner anxiety as his words strike, his deep red eyes piercing your heart. "Do you enjoy that tune? It's Lilian's highest cultural achievement, music unlocks the inner machinations of the heart, it serves its purpose whether it be sound comfort or to be lost in its escapism. Now, what is your name?". You begin to panic for you never heard words of such elegance before and draw closer to the enigma that is him. You respond to his statement with his reply being,
"What a beautiful name of a Lilian, you can just call me Kaworu, I am a being who's destiny has been predestined for a higher purpose." You sense a form of confidence in him you have never seen before, a strong but nonegotistical view of oneself different from others around you. Walking closer only shows his elegant, well-defined facial structure, perfect from error. You begin to grab a hold of the rock structure with a pale hand reaching out to lift you upon the apex of the formation. "Don't be so nervous, I'm just like you in the end". These words give you a sense of comfort, one never found in the threads of life. Kaworu's poetic language disarms you in the shield that is anxiety, gazing upon the rising sun evermore, you realize the enjoyment of company on this deep morning gaze. Kaworu is unlike anything your eyes have focused upon, a being of perfect unison and free of fault at first glance. As you begin to slip on the moss-glazed rock and what would have been seen as a plunge to water, the pale hand from before reaches out again to lift you like an angelic being ascending to the heavens. "You should be more careful upon these rocks, we wouldn't want to have those clothes get wet now do we?". Kaworu's playful yet comforting banter serves to aid in growing a bond with him. Kaworu's angelic metaphors remind you of the archaic texts found in that of the long past with a sense of compassion compared to the dreary texts. You knew from this very day Kaworu was the one you longed for in your heart, the romanticized view of the world, as well as the intelligence of a scholar, changed your views forever. As for Kaworu, he found your aura to be similar to one he has always longed for, though he could never put his finger upon why. As you need to get to your daily life you hear the soft angelic voice call to you, "Do you mind if I accompany you along your travels? I often wish to explore the world of Lilian's, the sewed threads of life that is nature and interpersonal connection, won't you let me?". You have never been asked for someone to accompany you in this manner before, you feel a sense of warmness upon your face with the cold hands gently brushing upon yours, "Getting warm, are we?". This level of compassion is nothing ever seen before, is this romantic attachment you've read in works before? No, it's more interpersonal than that. You agree to his accompanying of you upon your day today. His gentle hand becomes intertwined with yours, giving you a sense of comfort when internally you hold back your nervousness. Who is Kaworu? How can he disarm and draw others towards himself? How can he be that of you have always longed for? All these questions plague your mind as you look into the scarlet eyes, the colors of a dark blooming rose, one of passion yet serenity glances at you. "Shall we get going, we don't wish to make you late in your life's duties?". You grab a sense of spontaneous confidence to begin walking with Kaworu, strolling into the daily life you once found so dreary.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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Kaworu x reader "Angelic Arms"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz