Chpater 10:0 Days, D-Day

Start from the beginning

"I don't think Loki is in his holding cell anymore." Diana saw Peppers eyes widend as she called security to Loki's location.

Thermal signals came back negative; there is no body detection in that area.

"I am going to go." Diana grabbed a gun as she walked out of the control room.

"Diana, you can't go alone."

"I'm not alone; you'll watch over me, and security is on their way down. Just please stay in here, Pepper. I don't want to worry about you following me." Pepper gave Diana a pained look, but she nodded her head as she agreed.

Diana ran down flights of stares, not wanting to risk taking the elevator. They didn't know how the tesseract would affect the electrical power, even though Stark Tower was self powered.

Once she got to Loki's holding cell, she saw security already down there scouting the room, but they didn't find anything.

Diana walked out into the hallway, and that's when she noticed against the wall frost. As if Loki had touched the wall deliberately for someone to follow.

Or for her to follow.

Diana bit her lip because she knew deep down it was a bad idea. She held the gun close as she followed those steps.

Suddenly, the whole building shook, and the floor under Diana became uneven.

Grabbing onto the walls, she ran up a flight of stairs still following the frost.

The sound of an unhuman like scream burst through the air. Diana ran out to one of the balconies to see what it was; the portal in the sky had opened up.

These alien like creatures were pouring out of the portal and making screeching noises.

Diana ran back inside and continued to follow the frost until it stopped at the very top of the tower. Which was reserved for Tony and his company.

Diana carefully opened the door as she stepped in, holding the gun up just in case anything were to come out.

"Hello Diana," Diana quickly turned around, but not soon enough. Loki grabbed her gun. she attempted to hit him, but he easily caught her hand.

"Tsk tsk," Loki smiled as he pulled her in and head butted her, knocking her out.

Diana woke up with this pain blasting through her head. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself tied up on the floor. Her back was leaning against the bar as Loki paced the room.

"I am so glad you decided to wake up."

"You hit me?"

"After you tried to hit me first," Loki shook his finger at her as he smiled at her.

"Loki, you need to stop what you are doing. There are innocent people down there who are going to get hurt."

"You think they're innocent? They're WEAK! Always depending on being saved by the Avengers when, in reality, they need a ruler. Someone to give them order and direction."

"And you think that's you? Don't make me laugh. " As Diana was talking to him, she was messing with the ropes tying her hands behind her back.

"OH, you think it is so hilarious, but I will be ruler of this planet, and there's nothing you or anyone can do to stop it."

"Well, I wouldn't say that quite yet." Loki turned around to see Tony walk into the room as Jarvis' machinery disassembled Tony's iron man suit. 

"If it isn't the man with the iron heart . Shouldn't you be out there helping your constituents?" Loki held his scepter in one hand as he walked towards Stark. Tony looked over at Diana and gave her a small smile.

"Yes, I should be. But I figured I would stop in here for a drink. Would you like one?"

"I don't know what game you're playing at Stark, but you won't win today. Earth is about to be taken over by the chitauri, and I am about to be earth's new ruler."

"Yeah, that won't happen. We have a Hulk, and earth has been doing just fine all these years without a ruler," Tony poured himself a brandy as he took a sip of it. Diana noticed with a small motion that Tony had put something on his wrists but didn't know what it was.

Tony walked around the counter as he stepped up to Loki.

"You aren't going to win today, Loki. So it's best you tell me how to close the portal, and I'll ask your brother to go easy on you once you return to Asgard."

Loki grabbed Tony by the neck as he lifted him off the ground.

"Listen to me, you weak, man. I don't need a suit to defend those I love. I am a natural born ruler and the king of Asgard. I am not afraid of my brother, but if you were smart, you'd be afraid for your life right now."

"Loki, let him go!" Diana screamed as she felt tears roll down her face. Loki looked at her in disgust.

"You cry for this man? Who has broken your heart over and over? He doesn't deserve you, Diana. He never did." Loki focused his attention back at Stark as he threw him out the window.


The glass shattered around them as Diana moved her head away so glass wouldn't fall in her eyes. When she looked back, she noticed Loki wasn't holding the scepter anymore.

Tony had grabbed it from him before he threw him.

A rumbling sound behind her caught her attention as the iron man suit shot out from behind the bar and over the balcony, following Tony.

"No! I will not lose to them!" Loki shouted as he walked to the ledge.

"It's too late, Loki. He's going to close the portal," Diana said as she struggled to get up. She heard Loki's footsteps until they stopped right in front of her.

Loki lifted her off the ground as he cut her rope away.

"I guess I will have to come back to regather. But today, I will take a loss." Diana didn't know what he meant by that until she saw him open a portal.

"No, no, no, Loki! Let me go!"

"I am not leaving without some sort on second place trophy." Loki gave her an evil smile as he held her arm to stop her from running off. He then dragged her into the portal as they teleported into another dimension.

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